
香港仔1966年左右 Aberdeen Around 1966

 香港仔華人墳場舊牌坊入口清晰可見,所在路段現向內拓寬了。Clearly seen the position of old entrance to Chinese Permanent Cemetery, the road next to it expanded inward now.鴨脷洲洪聖古廟前不見兩條龍柱 No dragon beams seen in front of Hung Shing Temple on Aberdeen Island.


Butterfly Egg 蝴蝶卵

 Today a butterfly returned and deposited an egg. 今二月初一,有隻蝴蝶回歸,留下顆卵。

Caterpillar came out on eve of March 18 二月初六除夕毛蟲出現。

Another one, same batch. 同期另一隻。
Very artistic: ate two symmetrical shapes, am and pm respectively, 18 March 很有藝術細胞:早上下午對稱吃葉子,二月初六。

Got blown off by strong wind a couple of days later. Fortunately it was found later on another tree nearby, but grew much slower than the other one, and finally into a big one on April 7. 不久被強風吹落,後來被發現在附近的另一棵樹上,但長的較另一隻慢好多,終於到二月廿六日成為胖胖的毛蟲。


Daisies 雛菊?Dandalions 蒲公英?

 Recently found in my little garden 最近出現在我的小花園

New ones, 7 March 新花 正月廿四日

The yellow ones could be dandelions, whose flowers fleeting, and one ready to spread its seeds today. 黃色的可能是蒲公英,其花短暫,其一已預備撒種。