
清代象牙柿子 Antique Ivory Persimmon

柿子原產於中原,幾千年來中國人一直對它情有獨鍾,並賦予諸多美好寓意。牙雕狀態極佳,堪比大型博物館同類收藏,難能可貴。Persimmon originated in Central China. Over thousands of years, Chinese people love it and have been keeping the passion alive with numerous auspicious symbolic blessings attached. The carved art is in mint condition, comparable with similar collections in well-known museums, very rare indeed.


清代象牙香蕉 Antique Ivory Bananas

草莓實際是個蓋,暗盒可放貴重小首飾。The strawberry actually a lid for a hidden treasure box. 

清代象牙無花果 Antique Ivory Fig Fruit

與實物對照。由於年代久遠,外表上色紫色多已褪色。Compared with the real fruit. The purple paint mostly faded with long time past.