
香港仔新街市 New Aberdeen Market



田灣邨後山坡等 Slope Behind Tin Wan Village etc

突想考察田灣邨後的半山坡,路上順便再驗證香港仔華永牌坊原址。在華永現入口處附近回望,很明顯以前的石排灣道原來一直延伸到魚市場偏門、即新舊棚頂交界處附近,而東接的香港仔大道原本幾乎是垂直的,正是容易出事故的夏巴彎。原牌坊應該是在現在海峯華軒西南不遠處,西北方向的斜坡,轉接現在華永入口斜坡大概中間位置。原入口斜坡初段和原石排灣道中間有小山墩,盡頭轉彎處原有石刻廠等店,現在的石排灣道休憩處還留有老居的殘記。 田灣邨後面半山坡原有民居和豬欄,還保有不少遺址。觀察稍有遺物,感覺不如香港仔瀑布(即香港仔水塘南)的原居民富有。一遺址有不少50年代的生力啤樽,另一處明顯是蹲厠,直接排放入溪谷。可以想像,當年此地不僅髒亂,還很有可能是臭氣熏天。 北上公園,植物都長的很好。燒烤樂園小食物亭旁木圍椅中間的藤樹花撲滿頂部,堪比新婚花亭,很美。 回路不想走香港仔水塘道的要命長坡,左入漁光道。遇應該是兩母女,問路小巴司機不得要領,像熱鍋上的螞蟻。原來是住九龍的,要去中環,但發現小巴都是單向反方向的。普通話講的很好,答應順路帶路。應該有捷徑的,但很多年沒走這段路,保險延漁光道從石排灣邨後面繞個大半圈。因此發現齊天大聖廟及鄰居地已經被政府回收,沿路山坡也比以往乾淨好多。送她們到石排灣邨巴士總站後折返,探望久違了的古芒果樹,依然健在。附近山坡小路也被打理過,比以前好多了。


最近幾件事 A Few Things Recently

最近發生的幾件事,若發生在3年前,會超乎想像。 前一陣子,與內陸全面通關,很多廉價旅遊團重臨。由於慣性去某區某餐館用餐,對交通和附近居民都造成困擾。雖然很少有人抱怨,媒體已大是報導。不出幾天,業界和政府聯手,一面優化用餐時間、程序和人流管理,另一面分流到船上或者大居民區餐館,不僅食品質量提高,與本地居民一樣,還船上免費海港遊,不異樂乎,皆大歡喜。若在3年前,媒體一早已充斥各種負面報道和歧視論調,別有用心團體早就組織遊行和騷擾遊客了! 港澳辦主任夏寶龍剛剛結束訪港。六天行程,說了很多話,訪問考察社會各個層面。若在3年前,沒一句話不會被媒體放大、撻伐,每一參觀地方,早就充斥遊行和抗議的人。相反,幾乎無負面報道,即使他引用劉邦詩句並說遊行非唯一民主表達方式等言論。就算沒去中大、沒看劏房或者沒接見大地產商,媒體都輕輕帶過。 前幾年很多人移民,特別是英國搞手腳。香港人才短缺,特別是醫護。特區最近主動去英國聘用,而且還會去澳洲和其它國家。丟失的大都為垃圾,找回來的皆是珍寶。如此買賣,何樂而不為?況且,人才根本不是真正問題。醫管局剛剛迎接數十名廣東醫護來港,而且還只是前期開始。不僅講廣東話、會英文,普通話也當然不在話下。以前走的,會不會後悔?英國真的好嗎?再不快些回港,恐怕以後不需要了!


感覺夏天已到 Feel Summer Already Here

雖然離立夏還有3週,天氣變熱,感覺夏天已到,開始穿短褲了。周日,取出夏裝,收起冬服。 又收到3000消費券了!很簡單,去小店一嘟就可以了,還另外收20圓店舖的優惠券。澳門又公布再發1萬文! 反觀台灣,區區6000臺幣,吵吵攘攘好幾個月,又大撒幣宣傳好幾個月,政府官方網站設好幾個,領取渠道不是銀行就是郵局,還有很多人不是收不到就是已被別人冒領了。不像香港的幾乎完全電子化,完全是現金發放,根本無法跟蹤和分析成效,純粹一次性發放而已。


Dalai Lama 達賴喇嘛

In recent weeks, Dalai Lama continues to be in the news. Not only because he did something not proper, but more because flimsy attempts by his handlers/supporters to defend and justify his actions. As far as I know, VoA Tibetan posted a video a month ago as a propaganda on YouTube with tag line a "Lucky boy got a kiss from dalai lama". Problem is Dalai gave more than a simple kiss to the boy. It appears in the first 2-3 weeks, some Indian females expressed concerns about the video, but did not catch on until around April 9 when zarish_kay reposted on her social media with tag: "Trigger warning: Pedophilia Dalai Lama calls up a minor boy, kisses him on lips, asks for a tongue kiss as well. Also, notice where he takes the boy’s hand. This is disgusting and appears to be a case of child molestation." Quickly "Times of India" picked up, ABC followed with more brutal coverage, CNN and other western media such BBC etc followed as well but with videos clearly edited and inputs from Dalai handlers and supporters. Next day, Dalai office issued an apology but stated at the end as being simply "innocent and playful" etc, which immediately resulted in, of course, more backlash as well as coverage. Instead of staying silent or offering another sincere apology, head of Dalai group Penpa Tsering, and Tsering Kyi, Namdol Lhagyari, etc, went to Taiwan, and other media, to claim "sticking out tongue" is a time honored tradition and China CPC was behind the misrepresentation. This did not go well. As it turns out, "sticking out tongue" not only abandoned in Tibet long ago, it was also a demeaning and humiliating enforcement on the poor masses and slaves to show respect but not able to curse secretly when seeing nobles or their masters. But they did not give up there, around April 14 or 15, Tsering claimed Dalai is "beyond sensorial pleasures". In the video, the boy who is about 10 years old, apparently with his parents sitting on the platform close to Dalai, asked Dalai for a hug. Suspicion this was all pre-planned to show case Dalai's closeness to his followers. After a flurry of wishpering with 2 or 3 his handlers, Dalai had the boy come up close to him, first to land a kiss on his cheek, then after "finally here also" lip to lip. A bit awkward moment, then forehead to forehead rubbing, staring at the boy's face, savoring, pulled the boy closer, stuck his tongue out and asked the boy to "then (or and) suck my tongue". The video shows the boy reluctant and uncomfortable, but pulled very close, although not clear if the two tongues actually touched. Afterwards, Dalai pulled and pressed the boy's hand to his cheek for quite a while, then used his right arm lock the boy's neck for another long while, left hand later tried to squeeze the boy's arm and armpit, at which point the boy finally pushed hard away with a feigned dry smile. Dalai at this point clearly realized it did not go well but held on to the boy's hand, of course at arm's length now, paused a while to collect himself and said "we are all brothers and sisters ... you should follow good people who love peace (something like it), you should not follow those people who kill other people...". Did Dalai think the boy might grow up to be a killer? Clearly he was out of his mind, simply uttering the same jibberish talk he has given mainly to adult males! It is appalling that Dalai handlers think what Dalai did was OK, and even more disturbing to post it on a social media to promote such an act. Even worse, continue using all kinds of excuses to defend and justify. It is not the first time Dalai misbehaved. He once said he enjoyed eating meat, got down below Lady Gaga's waist forcing Gaga to an embarrassing tease away saying "he is interested in my outfit", but later, while sitting, Dalai reached across to touch and tickle Gaga's exposed knees. Gaga was seen quite unformfortable, pushed and held his groping hand away. Love to hear what Gaga thinks now. Dalai once also said, his female successor should be attractive. A better defense line from his handlers and supporters might have been Dalai is human after all. A claim of truth, but hard to swallow. Tongue in cheek, forever stuck until eternity! Post Note: A later search found isaifpatel actually posted the same 1 day earlier on April 8 before zarish_Kay. Penpa Tsering, Tsering Kyi and Namdol Lhagyari, all appear to be in Dalai's inner circle, behind the now infamous "tongue sucking" video. Their fiece defense and deflection nothing but attempts to cover their own failures. Let's see who is really in charge of the Dalai group, any of them will soon be sacked from the group? Another earlier defense line was Dalai's old age, but he does appear to be healthy with a particularly sound mind. There is also age old wisdom in man child: when gets to old age, a man often reverts back to childish root which means basic instincts or desires sometimes take over. So much for "beyond sensorial pleasures"! Sexual abuse, a rather common occurance in Vajrayana Buddhism, which Dalai Lama and followers belong. Dalai, over the years, has presented himself to the world as an English speaking sophisticated world idol, now claims not understanding western culture believing it is OK to ask a young boy to "suck my tongue"? Not just in the West, in the East, or anywhere in the world, "tongue sucking" is considered very intimate, private, sexual act. Even animals do not greet each other by sucking tongues. Able to sit close to Dalai, the boy's parents may be quite wealthy, but so far nothing about them. Found on Feb 28, "This morning His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeted 120 recently graduated Indian college students and members of the M3M Foundation in the yard of the Tsuglagkhang, the Main Tibetan Temple, adjacent to his residence." Boy's mother might be Payal Kanodia, 37 years old, billionaire Basant Bansal's daughter, married Deepak Kanodia. At least 8 members from the Bansal family at the event. Money works and big money works wonders. Voice of Tibet and RFA posted video of interviews of the boy Kiyan Kanodia, mother Payal and grandpa Bansal right after the event on Feb 28 with their full names and relationship in another attempt to defend and justify Dalai. Not sure if they obtained permission from them prior. The boy's words should not be heard again and no questions asked about either the lip kiss or tongue sucking. RFA reporter Sangyal Kunchok even posted it on Twitter! Payal Bansal married Deepak Kanodia on 8 July 2011 (with Sangeet party on 2 July), has 2 sons. Guess Kiyan 11 years old and brother about 9 years old. Some Dalai supporters even went on TV to defend him by saying in some parts of Tibet father used to kiss son or daughter on the lip without feeling being sexual. In 2018, Dalai admitted that he has known about sexual abuse by Buddhist teachers since the 1990s! Dalai in the past has repeated commented on sex as taught and understood in the context of Tantric Buddhism. "For Buddhists, sexual intercourse can be used in the spiritual path because it causes a strong focusing of consciousness if the practitioner has firm compassion and wisdom. Its purpose is to manifest and prolong the deeper levels of mind. …Through special techniques of concentration during sex, competent practitioners can prolong very deep, subtle, and powerful states and put them to use to realize emptiness. However, if you engage in sexual intercourse within an ordinary mental context, there is no benefit." In 2007, Dalai said sex remains a curiosity for him: "For me, since I became a monk from childhood this whole thing is more like a curiosity for me ... to wonder what it would be like to have an experience like that." Now they say there were no slaves in Tibet as they were not traded like commodities (e.g. Blacks in Europe & Americas).


海芋 Wild Taro

又名野芋、姑婆芋、山芋頭、野芋頭、痕芋頭、廣東狼毒,或者觀音蓮。英文有稱 Alocasia Adora, Alocasia Macrorrhizos, Elephant's Ear, or Wild Taro。

