南朗山 ->壽臣山 ->聶高信山 ->金馬倫山 ->歌賦山 ->扯旗山 ->西高山 ->奇力山 ->田灣山,九座山峰高低起伏、錯落有秩,宛如九條翻騰滾滾的龍。又似一條巨大團龍,尾起南朗山、脊背扯旗山和歌賦山,頭收田灣山。
Satan Trinity 三合撒旦
While God may manifest in Trinity, Satan surely does the same:
a pseudo-scientist who professes to be expert on everything, including medicine, often makes sweeping conclusions on weak or no data, invents data or persona simply to support its evil argument;
an "enormous" low-life spymaster who publicly confesses to lie, cheat and steal all the time, spurs nothing but evil intent from its upper hole;
a business crook-cum-CiC who has no morals, lies habitually, and constantly frames, blames and attacks anyone or anything that resents, even in the slightest way possible, its evil deeds.
May 5: Not any plant can make masks nowadays as strict sanitary environment required. Trump and officials did not wear masks while touring a Honeywell mask production facility in Phoenix, and in the background "Live and Let Die" was played. In the video, a full time worker was constantly required at each small machine, which indicates a not fully automated backward process that is prone to errors and sanitary problems. An official picked a new mask from the work-in-process basket with his bare hands and Trump yelled over a basketful of masks. Would you wear a mask produced from such a place? It may come with extra - saliva and germs. Can you afford the price?
"Trump Says U.S. Must Reopen Even If More Americans Get Sick, Die". Money over other poor people's life, a no-brainer choice for a no-brain sleazy billionaire!
Rick Bright began to swing his bat: he said WHO held emergency call and warned about the outbreak with many US health high officials on Jan 20, and US failed to prepare, sought quick virus fix. He said, "I was pressured to let politics and cronyism drive decisions over the recommendations of the best scientists we have."
May 6: the world is still waiting to see Pompeo's "enormous" and "significant" evidence. All one can see so far is his tiny chin being buried in his "enormous" neck.
Within a short 3 days, Pompeo ate its own words, "we don't have certainty whether it began in the lab", but do allow CIA in to plant evidence.... Enormous Pompeo is going to have a real hard time swallowing through its already swollen neck.
I am surprised all the continued coverage and discussions about Trump not nearing a mask at the mask factory missed a key point: wearing a mask there is not to protect the wearer but to protect the masks from contamination!
Jeffrey Sachs' opinion on CNN "Trump's anti-China theory implodes" contains important timeline and facts in addition to his rational judgements.
Luke Denman, US mercenary captured in Venezuela, said he was part of a plan ordered by Trump to kidnap president Maduro.
May 7: A 17-page document prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was shelved by Trump to avoid giving "overly prescriptive" guidance. Same time, death toll already passed Trump's new mark of 75k.
May 8: second large scale trial study showed, hydroxychloroquine, championed by Trump, did not work. Actually, China tried it before anyone else and told the U.S. it did not work, but Trump and team did not want to listen. How many people died unnecessarily due to this?
May 10: "Under Trump, American exceptionalism means poverty, misery and death" by Robert Reich. Evil lords have minions. Pence is lying low. Please don't. Do not wear a mask, go visit all the hospitals, and shake hands with everyone. Your strong faith will spare you from the virus. Katie Waldman Miller tested positive, but Stephen Miller is not yet. Apparently they do not sleep together. Later report she was pregnant, so they did sleep together but not recently. How nice? Devils are breeding...
May 11: Trump ordered White House staff to wear masks and test everyday except himself.
May 13: Rapid test trumped by Trump turns out false negatives 48%!
May 14: Trump now claims "strong dollar" is a good thing. Will dollar collapse in the next few years? He also threatened to cut "all ties" with China, what a stable genius? Trump plans to name a former GlaxoSmithKline executive as the vaccine czar to lead “Operation Warp Speed,” and this is not a made-up comic. Interesting to note, warp speed has not and will never happen in real life, only in science fictions, which may be too much for Trump to comprehend.
Rick Bright, in a classic move, cleaned the table and microphone before he testified.
May 15: new high with 30k new cases confirmed within 1 day and approaching 90k dead. Trump's push for re-opening is working for the virus. "US warns of virus scapegoating in India, Pakistan", isn't it ironic? Trump unveiled a dark terrorist-like cartoon flag for Space Force and bragged to develop "super-duper missiles." What a duper? Arms race is on, how soon will U.S be broke? Man, you can't even make this up, it is beyond comical, I am laughing my nose off while writing this. The dark flag has, under the name United States Space Force, MMXIX, which means 2019. Looks like not only does Trump worship the dark force, he is also following WHO, which he dislikes so much, in nomenclature, e.g. Covid-19, which in turn means the flag, like the virus, will mutate in the future. What a stable genius design?
May 16: Vaccine czar Moncef Slaoui was a board member and still owns 156,000 Moderna stock options. Moderna received $483 million in federal funding and its stock price skyrocketed from already all time high of $40 to $68! A cool addition of at least $4m in a few days! Death counts exceeded 90k and due to underreporting, actual number could be 180k. Trump has blood in his hand personally responsible for about 60-150k deaths by now.
May 17: Pompeo recommended and Trump duly fired Steve Linick who was investigating Pompeo. Navarro blamed China, CDC, Obama and Biden. Pompeo's "enormous and significant" body of evidence apparently came from a report by major Pentagon contractor Sierra Nevada's MACE, which has been proved bogus, with only open source data, kindergarten grade analysis, and zero intelligence. No wonder Pompeo still can not show any if it, either his IQ is too low to tell real intelligence or he is devilishly deceiving.
May 18: Ivanka "took" the red pill from Elon Musk on Twitter, and Lilly Wachowski responded: "F--k both of you." Trump said he has been taking "hydroxy" for 2 weeks... Trump gave WHO ultimatum - see how it goes after 30 day deadline. Russia now expects reciprocal medical aid from the US, clearly last month's low grade aid was another clever move by Putin over his subordinate Trump.
May 19: the "reciprocal medical aid" is Trump paid Putin $660k for 45 useless ventilators and in return Trump gave Putin 200 ventilators worth close to $5m for free.
May 20: Trump admin gave $812 million to Phlow, a small Virginia firm founded less than 6 months ago at the recommendation of Navarro. PH Low, what a fishy name? Republican led states manipulated the coronavirus data in order to open. Corruption rampant. House of cards starts crumbling. Douglas Loverro, who joined the space agency only six months ago to lead Trump admin's Artemis programme, resigned 8 days before the 27 May launch of two astronauts to the International Space Station in Elon Musk's SpaceX Crew Dragon rocket. "Trump admin paid huge premium for ineffective mask-cleaning machines" that initially awarded for $60m for 60 machines and now increased to $600m and only works 2-3 cycles instead of 20 initially claimed. AF MAGA. Simpson cartoon was correct that Trump will bankrupt U.S soon. Fisher Sand & Gravel Company, a Trump-backed firm got $1,275m contract to build 42 miles of border wall in Arizona, about $30m per mile, which Trump promised Mexico would pay? "Two Dams Burst in Central Michigan Forcing 10,000 People to Evacuate".
Columbia University research found 83% of US coronavirus deaths could have been avoided if nationwide lockdowns were imposed just two weeks earlier, on March 1.
May 21: over 96k reported virus death, broke another Trump target. "A Wisconsin woman with lupus has taken hydroxychloroquine for 19 years and still got COVID-19"
May 22: "Trump admin won't require nursing homes to count COVID-19 deaths that occurred before May 6", coverup never stopped. Somebody should check Trump's medical record to see if he has lupus and has been taking "hydroxy" for years? Europe asked Trump to reconsider to reconsider backing out of Open Skies Treaty.
May 23: 1,666,828 confirmed coronavirus cases, satan 666 manifested. "I, Satan, Ate & Ate!" Or "I, Satan, Propagate & Prosper!" 「我,魔鬼,發亦發!」或者「我,魔鬼,泛亦發!」或者「我,魔鬼,繁亦發!」魔鬼可以以撒旦取代。
May 24: Trump's national security adviser, Robert O'Brien said "the cover-up that they did of the virus is going to go down in history along with Chernobyl." Let's see then. Trump shut down travels from Brazil, will he brag about it two months later?
May 25: WHO drops hydroxychloroquine due to higher risk of death and heart problems.
May 26: a former White House aide, Zach Fuentes, won a $3m contract to provide respirator masks to the Navajo Nation only 11 days after his company was formed.
May 28: Trump's shameless offer to mediate between China and India were rejected by India too. How embarrassing and clueless for the OrangeThief? Trump threatened to send in military to shoot protesters against police murdering George Floyd, “These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”
May 29: WHO did not give shit to Trump ultimatum and Trump did not wait for his own 30 day deadline either - in mere 11 days he just announced to exit from WHO. Great, another AF MAGA milestone. India said the call Trump claimed with Modi never happened. It turned out Trump did not order or even have any power over the National Guards deployed in Minnesota, it was with Walz. Again Trump lied and tried to steal the headline again. Merkel rejected OrangeThief: "The federal chancellor thanks President Trump for his invitation to the G7 summit at the end of June in Washington. As of today, considering the overall pandemic situation, she cannot agree to her personal participation, to a journey to Washington," the report quoted German government spokesman Steffen Seibert as saying.
May 30: “Many Canadians of diverse backgrounds are watching, like all Canadians are, the news out of the United States with shock and with horror,” came from Trudeau, who had been afraid of Trump and always played the 2nd fiddle to the US, amazing!
May 31: Trump been hiding in a bunker since Friday...
June 1: Trump told governors, "you have to dominate. If you don’t dominate, you’re wasting your time. They’re going to run over you, you’re going to look like a bunch of jerks. You have to dominate." Pompeo threatens ICC for investigating crimes in Afganistan and by Isreal. Trump reported to Putin on expanded G7 summit.
June 3: Defense chief Esper revolts against Trump invoking Insurrection Act. Trump claimed he went down briefly to inspect the bunker! National Guards in full combat gears and machine guns, and militarized police against George Floyd protesters. Trump pressed aides for tanks on the streets. AG Barr ordered Federal Prisons Special Operation Force against protesters.
June 4: Mad Dog Mattis true to his name earned respect by calling out divider-in-chief. Biggest US flag was torn into pieces by storms a day ago.
June 5: surprise job number (headline: 2.5m jobs added in May) drove stocks higher, sold some BAC at auction for $29, and will sell more and others next week if it goes up again. Not surprised Trump and minions would cook or fake the numbers to jack up the market. Devil is in details. Lightning repeatedly struck Washington Monument and 2 National Guards.
June 6 Saturday: is Satan 666 with a full moon - Leap April 15th! Trump withdrew 9,500 or 1/3 of troops out of Germany without consulting DoD or Merkel, Putin smiling in his sleep. Puritan Medical Products in Maine had to throw away the day's output of swabs because Trump did not wear a mask when visiting the plant on Friday. Bureau of Labour Stat admitted there was a misclassification error and the unemployment rate was about 16% not 13% in May.
June 10: analysis indicates Boris is personally responsible for half of the deaths because he was 1 week late to lock down.
June 11: Pompeo announced sanctions on ICC officials and families, “We cannot, we will not stand by as our people are threatened by a kangaroo court.” Trump signed.
"We can't shut down the economy again. I think we have learned that if you shut down the economy you're going to create more damage, and not just economic damage," Steve Mnuchin. Market crashed by about 7% after Powell spoke. Trump required people to sign a waiver before attending MAGA rally at Bank of Oklahoma Center, Tulsa: "By clicking register below, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.; BOK Center; ASM Global; or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury."
India denies visas to U.S. panel on religious freedom, what will Pompeo say?
June 12: Kim broke off with Trump. Stable Genius art of the deal failed miserably on 2 year anniversary of love meet.
June 13: Trump said at West Point, "the invisible enemy, the new virus, came to our shores from a distant land, called China." Actually it was from Europe.
June 17: Bolton book bombshell revelations proved everythings we thought about Trump are true. Trump, "any conversation with me is classified."
June 19: Pompeo, "I've not read the book, but from the excerpts I’ve seen published, John Bolton is spreading a number of lies, fully-spun half-truths, and outright falsehoods. It is both sad and dangerous that John Bolton’s final public role is that of a traitor who damaged America by violating his sacred trust with its people.”
June 20: Trump repeated Kung Flu and Chinese virus at Tulsa rally.
NY AG Geoffrey Berman plans to step down and Trump will nominate the current chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission to succeed him, Barr announced Friday evening. But Berman said he learned of the plan in a Justice Department press release and shot back that he has no intention of stepping down. "I have not resigned, and have no intention of resigning, my position, to which I was appointed by the Judges of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York," he said in a statement late Friday night.
June 22: Trump said it is up to Barr and he was not involved in firing Berman. Navarro said on TV China trade deal is over, then backtracked after the stock market crashed. Trump tweeted it is intact. WTF? Pompeo asked Beijing to release the two Canadians, really?
June 23: Trump called Bolton "Washed up Creepster John Bolton is a lowlife who should be in jail." It is a dog eating dog world!
June 25: Trump said Bolton was crazy and never smiled, but who said only hire the best people?
June 27: Russia offered bounties on US troops in Afganistan for at least a year, Trump claimed to have known nothing, and probably would do nothing too; either he is lying, it is fake news or another glossal failure by CIA.
June 28: Pence now says "wear a mask".
June 29: Trump admin knew about the Russian bounty early last year and Bolton personally briefed Trump in March 2019!
July 1: Trump admin bought out Remdesivir so no other countries will have access to the drug from Gilead.
July 3: Army’s 82nd Airborne Division from Fort Bragg and the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment were deployed to DC with #Bayonets to suppress the #BlackLivesMatter protests.
July 4: Trump claimed Operation Desert Storm happened in fields and jungles of Vietnam.
July 15: Navarro op piece attacks Fauci. Fauci replies, “I can’t explain Peter Navarro. He’s in a world by himself.”
July 27: Trump minion Robert O'Brien confirmed with Covid-19.
a pseudo-scientist who professes to be expert on everything, including medicine, often makes sweeping conclusions on weak or no data, invents data or persona simply to support its evil argument;
an "enormous" low-life spymaster who publicly confesses to lie, cheat and steal all the time, spurs nothing but evil intent from its upper hole;
a business crook-cum-CiC who has no morals, lies habitually, and constantly frames, blames and attacks anyone or anything that resents, even in the slightest way possible, its evil deeds.
May 5: Not any plant can make masks nowadays as strict sanitary environment required. Trump and officials did not wear masks while touring a Honeywell mask production facility in Phoenix, and in the background "Live and Let Die" was played. In the video, a full time worker was constantly required at each small machine, which indicates a not fully automated backward process that is prone to errors and sanitary problems. An official picked a new mask from the work-in-process basket with his bare hands and Trump yelled over a basketful of masks. Would you wear a mask produced from such a place? It may come with extra - saliva and germs. Can you afford the price?
"Trump Says U.S. Must Reopen Even If More Americans Get Sick, Die". Money over other poor people's life, a no-brainer choice for a no-brain sleazy billionaire!
Rick Bright began to swing his bat: he said WHO held emergency call and warned about the outbreak with many US health high officials on Jan 20, and US failed to prepare, sought quick virus fix. He said, "I was pressured to let politics and cronyism drive decisions over the recommendations of the best scientists we have."
May 6: the world is still waiting to see Pompeo's "enormous" and "significant" evidence. All one can see so far is his tiny chin being buried in his "enormous" neck.
Within a short 3 days, Pompeo ate its own words, "we don't have certainty whether it began in the lab", but do allow CIA in to plant evidence.... Enormous Pompeo is going to have a real hard time swallowing through its already swollen neck.
I am surprised all the continued coverage and discussions about Trump not nearing a mask at the mask factory missed a key point: wearing a mask there is not to protect the wearer but to protect the masks from contamination!
Jeffrey Sachs' opinion on CNN "Trump's anti-China theory implodes" contains important timeline and facts in addition to his rational judgements.
Luke Denman, US mercenary captured in Venezuela, said he was part of a plan ordered by Trump to kidnap president Maduro.
May 7: A 17-page document prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was shelved by Trump to avoid giving "overly prescriptive" guidance. Same time, death toll already passed Trump's new mark of 75k.
May 8: second large scale trial study showed, hydroxychloroquine, championed by Trump, did not work. Actually, China tried it before anyone else and told the U.S. it did not work, but Trump and team did not want to listen. How many people died unnecessarily due to this?
May 10: "Under Trump, American exceptionalism means poverty, misery and death" by Robert Reich. Evil lords have minions. Pence is lying low. Please don't. Do not wear a mask, go visit all the hospitals, and shake hands with everyone. Your strong faith will spare you from the virus. Katie Waldman Miller tested positive, but Stephen Miller is not yet. Apparently they do not sleep together. Later report she was pregnant, so they did sleep together but not recently. How nice? Devils are breeding...
May 11: Trump ordered White House staff to wear masks and test everyday except himself.
May 13: Rapid test trumped by Trump turns out false negatives 48%!
May 14: Trump now claims "strong dollar" is a good thing. Will dollar collapse in the next few years? He also threatened to cut "all ties" with China, what a stable genius? Trump plans to name a former GlaxoSmithKline executive as the vaccine czar to lead “Operation Warp Speed,” and this is not a made-up comic. Interesting to note, warp speed has not and will never happen in real life, only in science fictions, which may be too much for Trump to comprehend.
Rick Bright, in a classic move, cleaned the table and microphone before he testified.
May 15: new high with 30k new cases confirmed within 1 day and approaching 90k dead. Trump's push for re-opening is working for the virus. "US warns of virus scapegoating in India, Pakistan", isn't it ironic? Trump unveiled a dark terrorist-like cartoon flag for Space Force and bragged to develop "super-duper missiles." What a duper? Arms race is on, how soon will U.S be broke? Man, you can't even make this up, it is beyond comical, I am laughing my nose off while writing this. The dark flag has, under the name United States Space Force, MMXIX, which means 2019. Looks like not only does Trump worship the dark force, he is also following WHO, which he dislikes so much, in nomenclature, e.g. Covid-19, which in turn means the flag, like the virus, will mutate in the future. What a stable genius design?
May 16: Vaccine czar Moncef Slaoui was a board member and still owns 156,000 Moderna stock options. Moderna received $483 million in federal funding and its stock price skyrocketed from already all time high of $40 to $68! A cool addition of at least $4m in a few days! Death counts exceeded 90k and due to underreporting, actual number could be 180k. Trump has blood in his hand personally responsible for about 60-150k deaths by now.
May 17: Pompeo recommended and Trump duly fired Steve Linick who was investigating Pompeo. Navarro blamed China, CDC, Obama and Biden. Pompeo's "enormous and significant" body of evidence apparently came from a report by major Pentagon contractor Sierra Nevada's MACE, which has been proved bogus, with only open source data, kindergarten grade analysis, and zero intelligence. No wonder Pompeo still can not show any if it, either his IQ is too low to tell real intelligence or he is devilishly deceiving.
May 18: Ivanka "took" the red pill from Elon Musk on Twitter, and Lilly Wachowski responded: "F--k both of you." Trump said he has been taking "hydroxy" for 2 weeks... Trump gave WHO ultimatum - see how it goes after 30 day deadline. Russia now expects reciprocal medical aid from the US, clearly last month's low grade aid was another clever move by Putin over his subordinate Trump.
May 19: the "reciprocal medical aid" is Trump paid Putin $660k for 45 useless ventilators and in return Trump gave Putin 200 ventilators worth close to $5m for free.
May 20: Trump admin gave $812 million to Phlow, a small Virginia firm founded less than 6 months ago at the recommendation of Navarro. PH Low, what a fishy name? Republican led states manipulated the coronavirus data in order to open. Corruption rampant. House of cards starts crumbling. Douglas Loverro, who joined the space agency only six months ago to lead Trump admin's Artemis programme, resigned 8 days before the 27 May launch of two astronauts to the International Space Station in Elon Musk's SpaceX Crew Dragon rocket. "Trump admin paid huge premium for ineffective mask-cleaning machines" that initially awarded for $60m for 60 machines and now increased to $600m and only works 2-3 cycles instead of 20 initially claimed. AF MAGA. Simpson cartoon was correct that Trump will bankrupt U.S soon. Fisher Sand & Gravel Company, a Trump-backed firm got $1,275m contract to build 42 miles of border wall in Arizona, about $30m per mile, which Trump promised Mexico would pay? "Two Dams Burst in Central Michigan Forcing 10,000 People to Evacuate".
Columbia University research found 83% of US coronavirus deaths could have been avoided if nationwide lockdowns were imposed just two weeks earlier, on March 1.
May 21: over 96k reported virus death, broke another Trump target. "A Wisconsin woman with lupus has taken hydroxychloroquine for 19 years and still got COVID-19"
May 22: "Trump admin won't require nursing homes to count COVID-19 deaths that occurred before May 6", coverup never stopped. Somebody should check Trump's medical record to see if he has lupus and has been taking "hydroxy" for years? Europe asked Trump to reconsider to reconsider backing out of Open Skies Treaty.
May 23: 1,666,828 confirmed coronavirus cases, satan 666 manifested. "I, Satan, Ate & Ate!" Or "I, Satan, Propagate & Prosper!" 「我,魔鬼,發亦發!」或者「我,魔鬼,泛亦發!」或者「我,魔鬼,繁亦發!」魔鬼可以以撒旦取代。
May 24: Trump's national security adviser, Robert O'Brien said "the cover-up that they did of the virus is going to go down in history along with Chernobyl." Let's see then. Trump shut down travels from Brazil, will he brag about it two months later?
May 25: WHO drops hydroxychloroquine due to higher risk of death and heart problems.
May 26: a former White House aide, Zach Fuentes, won a $3m contract to provide respirator masks to the Navajo Nation only 11 days after his company was formed.
May 28: Trump's shameless offer to mediate between China and India were rejected by India too. How embarrassing and clueless for the OrangeThief? Trump threatened to send in military to shoot protesters against police murdering George Floyd, “These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”
May 29: WHO did not give shit to Trump ultimatum and Trump did not wait for his own 30 day deadline either - in mere 11 days he just announced to exit from WHO. Great, another AF MAGA milestone. India said the call Trump claimed with Modi never happened. It turned out Trump did not order or even have any power over the National Guards deployed in Minnesota, it was with Walz. Again Trump lied and tried to steal the headline again. Merkel rejected OrangeThief: "The federal chancellor thanks President Trump for his invitation to the G7 summit at the end of June in Washington. As of today, considering the overall pandemic situation, she cannot agree to her personal participation, to a journey to Washington," the report quoted German government spokesman Steffen Seibert as saying.
May 30: “Many Canadians of diverse backgrounds are watching, like all Canadians are, the news out of the United States with shock and with horror,” came from Trudeau, who had been afraid of Trump and always played the 2nd fiddle to the US, amazing!
May 31: Trump been hiding in a bunker since Friday...
June 1: Trump told governors, "you have to dominate. If you don’t dominate, you’re wasting your time. They’re going to run over you, you’re going to look like a bunch of jerks. You have to dominate." Pompeo threatens ICC for investigating crimes in Afganistan and by Isreal. Trump reported to Putin on expanded G7 summit.
June 3: Defense chief Esper revolts against Trump invoking Insurrection Act. Trump claimed he went down briefly to inspect the bunker! National Guards in full combat gears and machine guns, and militarized police against George Floyd protesters. Trump pressed aides for tanks on the streets. AG Barr ordered Federal Prisons Special Operation Force against protesters.
June 4: Mad Dog Mattis true to his name earned respect by calling out divider-in-chief. Biggest US flag was torn into pieces by storms a day ago.
June 5: surprise job number (headline: 2.5m jobs added in May) drove stocks higher, sold some BAC at auction for $29, and will sell more and others next week if it goes up again. Not surprised Trump and minions would cook or fake the numbers to jack up the market. Devil is in details. Lightning repeatedly struck Washington Monument and 2 National Guards.
June 6 Saturday: is Satan 666 with a full moon - Leap April 15th! Trump withdrew 9,500 or 1/3 of troops out of Germany without consulting DoD or Merkel, Putin smiling in his sleep. Puritan Medical Products in Maine had to throw away the day's output of swabs because Trump did not wear a mask when visiting the plant on Friday. Bureau of Labour Stat admitted there was a misclassification error and the unemployment rate was about 16% not 13% in May.
June 10: analysis indicates Boris is personally responsible for half of the deaths because he was 1 week late to lock down.
June 11: Pompeo announced sanctions on ICC officials and families, “We cannot, we will not stand by as our people are threatened by a kangaroo court.” Trump signed.
"We can't shut down the economy again. I think we have learned that if you shut down the economy you're going to create more damage, and not just economic damage," Steve Mnuchin. Market crashed by about 7% after Powell spoke. Trump required people to sign a waiver before attending MAGA rally at Bank of Oklahoma Center, Tulsa: "By clicking register below, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.; BOK Center; ASM Global; or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury."
India denies visas to U.S. panel on religious freedom, what will Pompeo say?
June 12: Kim broke off with Trump. Stable Genius art of the deal failed miserably on 2 year anniversary of love meet.
June 13: Trump said at West Point, "the invisible enemy, the new virus, came to our shores from a distant land, called China." Actually it was from Europe.
June 17: Bolton book bombshell revelations proved everythings we thought about Trump are true. Trump, "any conversation with me is classified."
June 19: Pompeo, "I've not read the book, but from the excerpts I’ve seen published, John Bolton is spreading a number of lies, fully-spun half-truths, and outright falsehoods. It is both sad and dangerous that John Bolton’s final public role is that of a traitor who damaged America by violating his sacred trust with its people.”
June 20: Trump repeated Kung Flu and Chinese virus at Tulsa rally.
NY AG Geoffrey Berman plans to step down and Trump will nominate the current chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission to succeed him, Barr announced Friday evening. But Berman said he learned of the plan in a Justice Department press release and shot back that he has no intention of stepping down. "I have not resigned, and have no intention of resigning, my position, to which I was appointed by the Judges of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York," he said in a statement late Friday night.
June 22: Trump said it is up to Barr and he was not involved in firing Berman. Navarro said on TV China trade deal is over, then backtracked after the stock market crashed. Trump tweeted it is intact. WTF? Pompeo asked Beijing to release the two Canadians, really?
June 23: Trump called Bolton "Washed up Creepster John Bolton is a lowlife who should be in jail." It is a dog eating dog world!
June 25: Trump said Bolton was crazy and never smiled, but who said only hire the best people?
June 27: Russia offered bounties on US troops in Afganistan for at least a year, Trump claimed to have known nothing, and probably would do nothing too; either he is lying, it is fake news or another glossal failure by CIA.
June 28: Pence now says "wear a mask".
June 29: Trump admin knew about the Russian bounty early last year and Bolton personally briefed Trump in March 2019!
July 1: Trump admin bought out Remdesivir so no other countries will have access to the drug from Gilead.
July 3: Army’s 82nd Airborne Division from Fort Bragg and the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment were deployed to DC with #Bayonets to suppress the #BlackLivesMatter protests.
July 4: Trump claimed Operation Desert Storm happened in fields and jungles of Vietnam.
July 15: Navarro op piece attacks Fauci. Fauci replies, “I can’t explain Peter Navarro. He’s in a world by himself.”
July 27: Trump minion Robert O'Brien confirmed with Covid-19.
Covid-19 Origin and Path
Origin and footprint of Covid-19 most likely the following:
the virus jumped into humans sometime in August 2019 or earlier along the West Coast, in a less virulent strain form A. Patients were mixed up into vaping or flu cases, and detection for the virus was missed.
Unsuspected carriers from California and/or Washignton State went on to Europe and Asia in long distance flights, which were perfect incubation environments for the virus.
Then the virus reached Europe, undetected, and without much mutation.
When it reached Wuhan, with a long incubation period in the airplane and drastic climate difference upon arrival, the virus mutated into a more virulent strain form B, around mid December, and was detected end December.
When the virus reached Singapore and Guangzhou, which shared similar climate, it mutated into another strain form C, form B's sister strain. The case in Guangzhou did not spread. Unforunately a super carrier from Singapore went back to Europe and mixed with a lot people in a Swiss Apls resort, where hot baths, saunas and bars were perfect platforms for the virus to spread. From there the virus went into Italy, Spain and most Europe. Then quickly and gingerly the virus hopped from Italy and Europe to New York, Russia, Africa and Asia (most Taiwan cases and most likely Indian cases), resulting in a second wave in some places, such as the U.S. and Singapore. That is why I believe the virus may fade away from now on and will not reappear in the northern hemisphere until next fall or winter. If Trump is lucky and makes fewer mistakes from now on, he may get reelected in November.
The above theory on the origin and path of Covid-19 can be easily proved or disapproved if U.S. conducted testing for all samples collected from pneumonia patients before January this year.
April 21: Two coronavirus-infected people died in Santa Clara County on Feb. 6 and Feb. 17, the medical examiner revealed Tuesday, making them first documented COVID-19 fatalities in the United States, which means the virus has been in Santa Clara much longer, before January. They had no known travel history or contacts with known Covid19 patients, had been thought to be flu deaths as they did not fit the CDC criteria and never got tested until the autopsies.
May 3: Yves Cohen, head of intensive care at the Avicenne hospital in Paris, repeated tests on samples from 24 patients admitted to the hospital for pneumonia in December and January, and that one from December 27 was positive. The patient, a 43-year-old Amirouche Hammar, had not travelled to China. “He was sick for 15 days and infected his two children, but not his wife, who works in a supermarket,” he said. “He was amazed. He didn’t understand how he had been infected. We put the puzzle together and he had not made any trips. The only contact that he had was with his wife.” Cohen initially questioned whether the wife had been exposed to fish products from China, but later confirmed that she had only been exposed to fish produced in France. This means the virus was in Paris at least on December 5 or earlier.
May 5: a major claim few days ago, but not picked up by the major media outlets yet. Mayor Michael Melham of Belleville, N.J., claims that he contracted the coronavirus in November, two months before the first confirmed U.S. case in Washington State. He recounted becoming ill while in Atlantic City attending the New Jersey League of Municipalities Conference, which was from Nov 17 to 19. He returned home on Nov 21, which means he was in Atlantic City for at least 5 days, and contracted the virus there. "The antibody in my blood is older as opposed to the more recent one showing you just finished fighting it off," Melham said. Melham said he remembers driving back up the Garden State Parkway on Thursday, Nov. 21 and feeling awful, but writing it off as a mix of exhaustion and dehydration from the three-day event. Melham thought a good night's rest would be all he needed. But Friday and Saturday of that week were no better. By Sunday night, Melham was awake all night, battling chills, hallucinations and a skyrocketing temperature. "I felt as if I was an addict going through withdrawal," he recalled. "I didn't know what was happening to me. I never felt that I could be so sick." Melham's doctor assumed that it was a case of the flu and told him that he'd recover with a few days of rest. But despite eventually getting better, the experience continued to stick out in his mind. And when COVID-19 began to break out in large numbers across New Jersey, it raised a serious red flag.
COVID-19 infected as many as 171 people in Florida as long as two months before officials announced it had come to the state, a Palm Beach Post analysis of state records shows. It includes a 4-year-old Duval County girl started feeling symptoms or had her first positive test on Jan. 1, and the state did not officially record her case until April 8. Another is a 65-year-old man in Broward County who had traveled to the Cayman Islands listed symptoms or a positive test on Jan. 4, but his case was not recorded until March 7. Among the 171 patients were 105 women and 66 men. They ranged in age from 4 to 91. Most of the early patients hadn’t traveled: 103 reported no travel while just 52 said they had. None reported traveling to China.
May 15: Trump said "Scientists at the NIH began developing the first vaccine candidate on January 11th." How? Before the first reported case?
May 18: Brian Hitchens, a rideshare driver who lives in Jupiter, Florida, downplayed the seriousness of the coronavirus in Facebook posts in March and April. He thought the coronavirus was "a fake crisis" but has changed his mind after he and his wife contracted COVID-19. Hitchens is not alone, you can count Trump in. This is what Trump land has been thinking until now, how can one blame anyone else but oneself, let alone China for what happened in December or January?
May 21: Sweden's herd immunity did not work, only 7.3% population has antibodies by now. This also shows the virus does not spread as fast through the air as previously thought.
May 22: Trump like UK, Brazil, Mexico and Russia all out of control. None could blame China but US and Europe.
May 23: Trump undid everything Obama did, eliminated the position to lead epidemic preparedness for NSC 18 months before Covid19 onslaught. God works in a mysterious but sure way.
June 3: various reports in addition to Sweden practising Herd Immunity, at least US and UK did as well. Boris told Italian PM, and stopped only after himself almost died from it. Trump abandoned somehow in late March.
June 12: Rebekah Jones, who was fired for not taking order to manipulate the data, has created FloridaCOVIDAction.com, which shows for more cases and deaths than official numbers. In addition, a major fraud (Trump included) was committed by using number of tests instead of people as the denominator in calculating % confirmed or deaths of tested, which deflated by at least 30% in order to prove the case for reopening.
June 13: Scripps Florida found mutation D614G stabilized the Spike Protein, which has been spreading in Europe and US.
June 18: Italian Milan and Turin had coronavirus before Dec 18 last year as tests of waste water collected on that day show, and patients hospitalized in France showed biological traces of the virus as early as December last year.
June 23: Judge in Brazil ordered Bolsonaro to wear a mask in public
June 25: now we know when Trump admin was pushing the Wuhan Biolab conspiracy hard in April they learned its NIH EcoHealth Alliances was collaborating with Wuhan lab, then quietly forced NIH to cancel the grant and collaboration.
June 27: University of Barcelona found coronavirus in sewage back in March 2019!
July 3: clearly out of control US is having boomerang 2nd or 3rd wave now.
July 5: non-peer-reviewed studies indicate a stretch of DNA linked to COVID-19, which is common in Bangladesh and South Asia, was passed down from Neanderthals 60,000 years ago.
Tom Jefferson from Oxford: coronavirus may have lain dormant across the world and emerged when environmental conditions were right for it to thrive - rather than starting in China.
July 29, David Robertson of the University of Glasgow research found the virus crossed to humans from bats directly without an intermediary host, and it has been around at least 40-70 years! Reports said Indian slums have over 50% herd immunity exposure, which Sweden never achieved, this means the virus probably has been in India much longer than reported. Same studies should be done in Vietnam, Laos etc, suspicion that they have had it for years or decades.
the virus jumped into humans sometime in August 2019 or earlier along the West Coast, in a less virulent strain form A. Patients were mixed up into vaping or flu cases, and detection for the virus was missed.
Unsuspected carriers from California and/or Washignton State went on to Europe and Asia in long distance flights, which were perfect incubation environments for the virus.
Then the virus reached Europe, undetected, and without much mutation.
When it reached Wuhan, with a long incubation period in the airplane and drastic climate difference upon arrival, the virus mutated into a more virulent strain form B, around mid December, and was detected end December.
When the virus reached Singapore and Guangzhou, which shared similar climate, it mutated into another strain form C, form B's sister strain. The case in Guangzhou did not spread. Unforunately a super carrier from Singapore went back to Europe and mixed with a lot people in a Swiss Apls resort, where hot baths, saunas and bars were perfect platforms for the virus to spread. From there the virus went into Italy, Spain and most Europe. Then quickly and gingerly the virus hopped from Italy and Europe to New York, Russia, Africa and Asia (most Taiwan cases and most likely Indian cases), resulting in a second wave in some places, such as the U.S. and Singapore. That is why I believe the virus may fade away from now on and will not reappear in the northern hemisphere until next fall or winter. If Trump is lucky and makes fewer mistakes from now on, he may get reelected in November.
The above theory on the origin and path of Covid-19 can be easily proved or disapproved if U.S. conducted testing for all samples collected from pneumonia patients before January this year.
April 21: Two coronavirus-infected people died in Santa Clara County on Feb. 6 and Feb. 17, the medical examiner revealed Tuesday, making them first documented COVID-19 fatalities in the United States, which means the virus has been in Santa Clara much longer, before January. They had no known travel history or contacts with known Covid19 patients, had been thought to be flu deaths as they did not fit the CDC criteria and never got tested until the autopsies.
May 3: Yves Cohen, head of intensive care at the Avicenne hospital in Paris, repeated tests on samples from 24 patients admitted to the hospital for pneumonia in December and January, and that one from December 27 was positive. The patient, a 43-year-old Amirouche Hammar, had not travelled to China. “He was sick for 15 days and infected his two children, but not his wife, who works in a supermarket,” he said. “He was amazed. He didn’t understand how he had been infected. We put the puzzle together and he had not made any trips. The only contact that he had was with his wife.” Cohen initially questioned whether the wife had been exposed to fish products from China, but later confirmed that she had only been exposed to fish produced in France. This means the virus was in Paris at least on December 5 or earlier.
May 5: a major claim few days ago, but not picked up by the major media outlets yet. Mayor Michael Melham of Belleville, N.J., claims that he contracted the coronavirus in November, two months before the first confirmed U.S. case in Washington State. He recounted becoming ill while in Atlantic City attending the New Jersey League of Municipalities Conference, which was from Nov 17 to 19. He returned home on Nov 21, which means he was in Atlantic City for at least 5 days, and contracted the virus there. "The antibody in my blood is older as opposed to the more recent one showing you just finished fighting it off," Melham said. Melham said he remembers driving back up the Garden State Parkway on Thursday, Nov. 21 and feeling awful, but writing it off as a mix of exhaustion and dehydration from the three-day event. Melham thought a good night's rest would be all he needed. But Friday and Saturday of that week were no better. By Sunday night, Melham was awake all night, battling chills, hallucinations and a skyrocketing temperature. "I felt as if I was an addict going through withdrawal," he recalled. "I didn't know what was happening to me. I never felt that I could be so sick." Melham's doctor assumed that it was a case of the flu and told him that he'd recover with a few days of rest. But despite eventually getting better, the experience continued to stick out in his mind. And when COVID-19 began to break out in large numbers across New Jersey, it raised a serious red flag.
COVID-19 infected as many as 171 people in Florida as long as two months before officials announced it had come to the state, a Palm Beach Post analysis of state records shows. It includes a 4-year-old Duval County girl started feeling symptoms or had her first positive test on Jan. 1, and the state did not officially record her case until April 8. Another is a 65-year-old man in Broward County who had traveled to the Cayman Islands listed symptoms or a positive test on Jan. 4, but his case was not recorded until March 7. Among the 171 patients were 105 women and 66 men. They ranged in age from 4 to 91. Most of the early patients hadn’t traveled: 103 reported no travel while just 52 said they had. None reported traveling to China.
May 15: Trump said "Scientists at the NIH began developing the first vaccine candidate on January 11th." How? Before the first reported case?
May 18: Brian Hitchens, a rideshare driver who lives in Jupiter, Florida, downplayed the seriousness of the coronavirus in Facebook posts in March and April. He thought the coronavirus was "a fake crisis" but has changed his mind after he and his wife contracted COVID-19. Hitchens is not alone, you can count Trump in. This is what Trump land has been thinking until now, how can one blame anyone else but oneself, let alone China for what happened in December or January?
May 21: Sweden's herd immunity did not work, only 7.3% population has antibodies by now. This also shows the virus does not spread as fast through the air as previously thought.
May 22: Trump like UK, Brazil, Mexico and Russia all out of control. None could blame China but US and Europe.
May 23: Trump undid everything Obama did, eliminated the position to lead epidemic preparedness for NSC 18 months before Covid19 onslaught. God works in a mysterious but sure way.
June 3: various reports in addition to Sweden practising Herd Immunity, at least US and UK did as well. Boris told Italian PM, and stopped only after himself almost died from it. Trump abandoned somehow in late March.
June 12: Rebekah Jones, who was fired for not taking order to manipulate the data, has created FloridaCOVIDAction.com, which shows for more cases and deaths than official numbers. In addition, a major fraud (Trump included) was committed by using number of tests instead of people as the denominator in calculating % confirmed or deaths of tested, which deflated by at least 30% in order to prove the case for reopening.
June 13: Scripps Florida found mutation D614G stabilized the Spike Protein, which has been spreading in Europe and US.
June 18: Italian Milan and Turin had coronavirus before Dec 18 last year as tests of waste water collected on that day show, and patients hospitalized in France showed biological traces of the virus as early as December last year.
June 23: Judge in Brazil ordered Bolsonaro to wear a mask in public
June 25: now we know when Trump admin was pushing the Wuhan Biolab conspiracy hard in April they learned its NIH EcoHealth Alliances was collaborating with Wuhan lab, then quietly forced NIH to cancel the grant and collaboration.
June 27: University of Barcelona found coronavirus in sewage back in March 2019!
July 3: clearly out of control US is having boomerang 2nd or 3rd wave now.
July 5: non-peer-reviewed studies indicate a stretch of DNA linked to COVID-19, which is common in Bangladesh and South Asia, was passed down from Neanderthals 60,000 years ago.
Tom Jefferson from Oxford: coronavirus may have lain dormant across the world and emerged when environmental conditions were right for it to thrive - rather than starting in China.
July 29, David Robertson of the University of Glasgow research found the virus crossed to humans from bats directly without an intermediary host, and it has been around at least 40-70 years! Reports said Indian slums have over 50% herd immunity exposure, which Sweden never achieved, this means the virus probably has been in India much longer than reported. Same studies should be done in Vietnam, Laos etc, suspicion that they have had it for years or decades.
Sept 10: LA study indicates the virus was in California in December or earlier, before Wuhan was known, as excess patients were treated as flu - no good specialist like the one in Wuhan to spot the difference then.
Sept 22: two studies indicate the virus can spread during long haul flights. One from Boston to Hong Kong with 4 infected and the other from London to Hanoi with one woman infecting 15 others. I stated the case almost 5 months ago! It was obvious.
Sept 23: civil law suits filed Austrian ski resorts, such as Ischgl, were active breeding ground for the virus since at least February, responsible for over 6000 cases in Europe!
Nov 15: study by the National Cancer Institute (INT) of the Italian city of Milan shows coronavirus was already in Italy by Sept 2019!
Dec 1: US CDC own researchers confirmed coronavirus antibodies in bood donors before Dec 13, 2019.
Avocado Baby Plant 牛油果幼苗
Planted a seed about three month ago, and it sprouted a few weeks ago. Overnight it grew visibly much taller with bigger leaves. In two more days, it grew even taller and bigger. Its top, however, was found to have bent toward the sun, but it was able to correct itself in the afternoon after the pot was turned 180 degrees in the morning. One week later, the leaves turned green. A month later, leaves grew much bigger for a small plant.
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