
Another Caterpillar 又一隻蝶蛹

A couple of weeks ago found another baby caterpillar eating around polluted leaves before I had a chance to clean them. It managed to grow quite well but become perhaps the most slender caterpillar ever visited my trees. On Apri 13, found it finished eating a vertical half leaf, worried it might accidentally cut the stem and fall to the ground. 約兩週前發現另一隻蝶蛹幼蟲,正在蠶食被汙染過的樹葉,已經來不及清洗。好在它長得還好,但可能是曾經到訪此處的最廋長的一個。三月初二,發現它剛剛吃完一半垂直的葉子,擔心其會不小心咬斷葉梗而墜落地下。

Luckily it moved up to cleaner fresh leaves near the tree top and started eating horizontally instead over the next couple of days, avoid the risk of falling. After eating most of the leaves, rested comfortably on a pile of fruits on April 16. 好彩後幾天它向上爬到樹頭更乾淨的嫩葉處,並且改成橫向吃,不再有墜落的風險。吃完大部分樹葉後,三月初五悠然休憩在一堆果實上。

Next day, finished all the leaves at top of the tree, became bigger and fatter, rested on a branch nearby with shitballs everywhere. 第二天,吃完樹頂所有葉子後變得又大又胖,於附近的樹枝休息,到處是其剛剛排泄的小糞球。
At night, it became restless moving up and down, mostly around top half of the tree. And around mid night or dawn the next day, it spread sticky silk around the stem, wrapped around its back, fixed head and tail to settle into a chrysalis form. Pic taken on April 18 am. 夜晚,它變得急躁,上下不斷搜索,但大多在樹的上半部。約半夜或翌日凌晨,用蠶絲塗抹樹幹、包裹胸背部並將頭尾固定,由蟲向蛹轉變。三月初七晨拍照。

Next morning April 19 it turned and changed color to mimic the tree trunk. 第二天初八早發現其已經轉身,變色,模擬樹幹的模樣。

Early am on May 2 a butterfly emerged but flew away after I went back into the room to fetch my camera. 三月廿一清晨,一隻蝴蝶破繭而出。等我返回屋內取出我的相機時,它已經飛走了。

