
Does Trump Understand the Meaning of Milestone?

Charles Goodhart observed in the mid-1970s that “when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” Read this on 11 June, well said!

Visible Super-duper Warp-speed Demon-sperm Trump Virus
President Demon Sperm
Visible Trump Virus
Commander-in-Thief Mt. Russiamore
Fields-Jungles-cum-Desert Thief Operator
Greatest Pretender
Cleavage Loving Mario Kart Mushroom Head CoronaviKing
George Floyd trumped Covid-19 and Trump
Super-duper Moscow Agent Govern America
America First = America Fucked as MAGA = Moscow Agent Govern America
Bunker Inspector General
White Supremest having White Dream in White House
PP Loving DD (David Dennison)
America First = Anglowhite First
MAGA = Make Anglowhite Great Again
Dominate White Supremest
Stormy Dominate
多行不義畢自斃 Chicks come back home US to roost
President Pennywise
Petulant child
President Swamp Filler
President Petty Tweety
Dumpty Trumpty
A super duper!
Honking trucker lover!
Not so warp speed developer!
A warp speed truck trumping super duper!
Bright trump the dumb.
Covid-19 is nature's way to expose the weak, the fake, and burst bubbles.
When a monkey learns from another monkey, you get monkey results.
Trump stupidity trump Trump virus trump Trump politics.
A billionaire will choose money over life  (other people's, not his own).

Trump, the other day, said on TV, America achieved another "milestone" by testing one million people. Does he understand the word "milestone"? Or he simply keeps inventing new "milestones" as he feels like? What is the goal, the final objective? No wonder U.S is in such a mess. No one knows how to set true "milestone" that matters, and people are easily fooled with tasks from objectives. Busy body, fool's errand with no end in sight.
April 9: according to new reports it might have not been 1 million tested but 1 million capacity of test kits shipped out by then, and 3 weeks later only about 88,000 had been processed due to problems! Not only did Trump not understand the word "milestone", he also did not know the difference between test capacity and tests!
April 10: The number of new deaths in a single day over 2,000 is more than next two countries France and UK combined, another AF MAGA "milestone" achieved, that is according to Trump's definition.
April 11: two Trump style AF MAGA milestones. Now ranked #1 in Covid-19 death counts, accounting for over 20% of world total, and "Army's Seatle field hospital closes after 3 days, without treating a single patient".
April 13: all 50 states officially declared disaster, another AF MAGA milestone.
April 21: "The anti-malaria drug touted by President Trump showed zero benefits for coronavirus patients in a nationwide study — and even caused more deaths among those given the drug versus those given standard care, researchers reported." That is a real milestone that will spare critical resources and save lives.
April 23: Trump suggests to shine strong UV light or inject bleach inside Covid19 patients' body. How about inside his brain? May enhance his level of stable genius. Stephen Moore, a member of Trump's economic task force, spoke to The New York Times this week about restarting the U.S. economy, said "I was thinking this morning, and this is just kind of a thought experiment because I was thinking about this — why don't we just put everybody in a space outfit or something like that?" Trump is surrounded with stable geniuses like himself.
April 24: deaths exceeded 52,000 accounting over 25% world total, another Trump style milestone!
April 25: “When he gets new information, he likes to talk that through out loud and really have that dialogue — and so that’s what dialogue he was having. I think he just saw the information at the time immediately before the press conference and he was still digesting that information,” Birx just sold her soul by desperately trying to defend Trump, and by doing so unwittingly exposed Trump as a big liar as Trump later claimed he was simply being sarcastic.
April 26: close to 1 million confirmed cases, approaching another Trump milestone. Apparently Bill Bryan sold Trump the ideas of UV/bleach/sunlight treatments.
April 27: historical Trump milestone achieved passing the million mark with 1,009,259 confirmed cases.
April 28: Trump ordered meat processing plants to stay open, as said before he would choose money over poor people's life in any given day. Pence visited Mayo Clinic without wearing a mask.
April 29: "U.S. death toll passes 60,000 mark Trump said would mark success in coronavirus fight", that is a milestone in itself. Trump said "China will do anything they can to have me lose this race." Honestly Chinese leaders would prefer Trump over anyone else - he has been the best ever for China. Not only America is now almost alone in confronting China with AF MAGA, Trump's little back stabs here and then serve as the best siren calling for a strong and united China.
April 30: Trump said he had seen evidence that the coronavirus outbreak originated in a research lab in Wuhan,  but is "not allowed to tell anyone" what it is. Really? I claim it came out of his orange rear end, but am not allowed to tell anyone what it is!
His new press girl came out saying U.S "intelligence is estimate". Wow, that is rich.
May 4: Trump has moved his milestone again, saying death toll will be 75,000, 80,000 or 100,000. What a stable genius! And it is all China's fault!
May 5: Another Trump milestone passed with over 70,000 dead.
May 7: 76,916 dead, passing yet another Trump's new milestone of 75k. The stable genius moved his milestone again to 95k now.
May 9: another milestone with over 80k (80,037) dead!
May 16: new Trump milestones with reported over 1.5m infected and over 90k dead, 3 times more deadly than Germany per capita . Actual death count already between 126 and 180k. How many of these dead could be attributed to Trump? 60-150k! Because Trump did not test early, track or isolate cases; did not invest in healthcare to get hospitals ready, but actually cut funding and withdrew personnel from Wuhan lab which was designed with US and others to prepare for an event like this; did not lockdown even when it was out of control; did not trust experts and let them do their proper jobs. Even though US had known about the severity of the coronavirus earlier than Germany and other countries (China CDC director called US CDC head starting January 1 for several days and on occasions even cried out during the calls!), but Trump said it was a hoax, just like flu, US was safe (cases will go from 15 to 0 in no time), stopped travel from China but not from Singapore, Japan, Korea, Italy, France, Spain or UK, did no proper screening at the airports, it was a bioweapon released or leaked from a lab, and it was all China's fault.
May 20: Columbia University research found 83% of US coronavirus deaths due to Trump's inaction, which means Trump "murdered" 78,769 to 157,000 Americans as of this date.
May 21: another milestone with 96,184 dead, already passed Trump's revised target of 95k! 8th Amazon warehouse worker died from Covid19.
May 23: reported test numbers, bragged by Trump as milestones, turn out to be greatly inflated as CDC combined tests that detect active infection with those that detect recovery from COVID-19. Real stable genius scientists? Way to fake and inflate! In addition, each person requires multiple tests to ensure accuracy, that is why China Mainland and HK never talk about number of tests but only number of people tested. Number of tests is irrelevant except for purchasing and planning machines and materials.
May 25: Wuhan reported tested over 9 million people in two weeks! No mention number of tests but only number of people tested, and will continue for people missed or unable to move outside home.
May 26: Another Trump milestone 100,573 dead. Senior White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett told CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday, "our capital stock hasn't been destroyed. Our human capital stock is ready to get back to work, and so there are lots of reasons to believe that we can get going way faster than we have in previous crises." People are nothing but stocks in the eyes of billionaire minions.
June 4: another milestone with over 110k dead.
June 6: nearly 600 (586) health workers died, another milestone.
June 7: another milestone with over 2 million cases!
June 10: another milestone with over 115k dead.
June 12: Rebekah Jones proved Florida used number of tests instead of people as the denominator in calculating % confirmed or deaths of tested. This proves my early suspicion of Trump and most Republican states were purposely committing a fraud.
Tony Schwartz said, “he is, a psychopath. Meaning, he is missing the two ingredients that are critical and common with human beings. Number one, conscience, and number two, empathy. So, he lacks both of these qualities, and therefore anything goes for Trump.”
June 16: "The US now has 66 million surplus anti-malaria pills after the FDA revoked an emergency waiver allowing chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine." As I said on 2 April,  "busy body, fool's errand with no end in sight."
June 18: another Trump milestone with over 120,000 dead.
June 25: another Trump milestone with over 126k dead.
June 30: another Trump milestone with over 130k dead.
July 6: another Trump milestone with over 3m confirmed.
July 9: another Trump milestone with over 135k dead.
July 15: another Trump milestone with over 140k dead.
July 20: Trump took the cognitive impairment test as a proof for his cognitive abilities and bragged about it!
July 21: Trump achieved another milestone with over 4m cases!
July 22: another Trump milestone with over 145k dead.
July 27: another Trump milestone with over 150k dead.
July 28: Trump keeps boasting number of tests as his achievement.
Aug 4: another Trump milestone with over 160k dead.
Aug 6: another Trump milestone with over 5m confirmed.
Aug 13: another Trump milestone with over 170k dead.
Aug 18: another Trump milestone with over 175k dead.
Aug 22: another Trump milestone with over 180k dead.
Aug 27: another Trump milestone with over 6m confirmed.
Aug 28: another Trump milestone with over 185k dead.
Sept 3: another Trump milestone with over 190k dead.
Sept 9: another Trump milestone with over 195k dead.
Sept 15: another Trump milestone with over 200k dead.
Sept 20: another Trump milestone with over 7m confirmed.
Sept 22: another Trump milestone with over 205k dead.
Sept 29: another Trump milestone with over 210k dead.
Oct 2: another Trump milestone with over 7.5m confirmed.
Oct 5: another Trump milestone with near 215k dead.
Oct 12: double Trump milestones with over 8m confirmed and over 220k dead!
Oct 15: Qingdao tested all of its over 10m citizens within a week! That is a milestone!
Oct 19: another Trump milestone with over 225k dead.
Oct 20: another Trump milestone with over 8.5m confirmed.
Oct 24: another Trump milestone with over 230k dead.
Oct 27: another Trump milestone with over 9m confirmed.
Oct 30: another Trump milestone with over 235k dead. Record increases in cases 99,476 and deaths 971 per day.
Nov 5: another Trump milestone with over 240k dead. Record increases in 113,143 cases and 1,091 deaths. 
Nov 6: another Trump milestone with over 10m confirmed. Record daily increases in 124,207 cases and 1,182 deaths. 
Nov 10: another Trump milestone with over 245k dead. Record daily increases in 133,437 cases and 1,322 deaths.
Nov 13: Trump milestones with over 11m confirmed and near 250k died. 
Nov 19: another Trump milestone with over 12m confirmed and near 260k died.
Nov 24: Trump milestones with near 13m confirmed and over 265k died.
Nov 26: another Trump milestone near 270k died. Thanksgiving.
Dce 1: Trump milestones with over 14m confirmed and 276k dead!
Dec 15: Trump double milestones with over 17m confirmed and over 310k died!
Dec 29: Trump new milestone with 20m (19,958,557) confirmed.
Dec 30: Trump double milestones with 20,201,192 confirmed 350,429 died.
Jan 3, 2021: Trump double milestones again with 21,113,528 confirmed 360,078 died.
Jan 15: Trump double milestones again with 24,102,429 confirmed 401,856 died!
Jan 20: On his way out Trump Virus 24,986,521 confirmed 415,528 died!
Jan 26: TrumpVirus milestone 26,006,765 confirmed 435,301 died. 
Feb 20: 28,706,473 confirmed 509,875 died 1 month after Trump gone
Sept 20: reported 43,106,846 confirmed cases, 694,612 dead and 32,661,537 recovered, which leaves 9,750,697 either hospitalised or still recovering! 
Dec 12: reported 50,801,455 confirmed cases with 817,956 dead. Actual #s much higher as the US has never fully tracked or tested cases even today! 

