
Caterpillar Returns 蝶蛹回歸

A few days ago found a caterpillar underneath a leave, already big, changing skins. Right after the skin was shed, its head looked incredibly big. In the next couple of days, it grew much bigger, into the biggest and most handsome worm ever visited my lemon tree over the last two years. He usually moves in the early morning or night, prefers young fresh leaves, then moves back to his preferred hiding place, away from the burning sun during the day. July 24 pm noticed he ate a flower bud after finishing all the young leaves on a small branch of the lemon tree, and at night repeated the same. He must like eating flowers as well. July 25 late evening he became restless, scanning the whole tree up and down, went to the small neighbor tree and then the edge of the pot, crossed through a rope (meant to fasten the pot) to outside of the balcony, walked on the ledge. I watched helplessly and worried he might fall or go down the building, out of reach, surely would die from heat or birds. Miraculously he decided to walk up, I managed to scoop him up when he was close enough without hurting him and put him back on the lemon tree. He tried to escape again but I stopped him, took him up from the edge of the pot. When putting him back up on the tree, he lost grip, and fell to the ground, luckily not hurt. After a rough night, he finally settled down around midnight, wrapped his head left and right both ways around the tree stem many times, apparently threading silk strands, before turning into chrysalis form the next morning. In the evening, it turned 180 degree to mimic a leave and became a full chrysalis. July 31 survived Typhoon 3 storm and strong winds. Put a net around the branch as the wind remains sporadically strong the next day Aug 1. Aug 6 it became visibly darker and at night the butterfly came out, disappeared before the next morning.
July 24 am
July 24 pm
July 26 am
July 27 am
Aug 7 am

