
Real Pomegranate Baby Plants 石榴幼苗

Planted seeds on June 19, 2 weeks later (July 3) sprouts came out. Now (July 9) about 1 week old.  6月19日播種,2週後開始破土出芽。幼苗大約1週大。
July 9 7月9日

Grew over 2m tall by March 2021. First flower bud, taken 7 March. 來年三月已長2米高,處女蓓蕾,正月廿四日拍。

10 days later, March 17. 10日後,二月初五。

March 18 二月初六

It, unfortunately, fell off a few days later, but another bud came out the same position around Good Friday and Easter. 幾天後,花不幸隕落;好彩,清明節前,又一蓓蕾在同一位置出現。

About two weeks later begins to open up on April 15. 約兩週後於三月初四,蓓蕾開始綻開。

Next day already opened up 翌日已經綻放

Third day 17 April 第三天,三月初六
Strong wind blew it off again April 19 night or early next morning. 強風再次把花吹落 三月初八夜或者翌日凌晨。

