
Li-Meng Yan 閻麗夢

Saw the news title by Fox yesterday, ignored it, but today many coverages in Chinese especially from Taiwan and Falungong, with all kinds of claims. Watched the original Fox interview video, not the one short cut followed by Gordon Chang, which was awful, pure speculation. Her English was bad but appeared sincere, believe it is herself, not a body double. All she said was nothing new or original or scientific, but most Americans probably can not tell the difference, and the ones who can tell only choose narratives that fit their objectives. What she said (claimed communications with doctors in Wuhan) were mostly true as there were lots of confusion in the early weeks on what it is and what to do. Her suggestions on what to do is actually the public guidelines in most Asian countries, especially Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao and mainland China, but simply not preached in the US. She arrived in the US on April 28, interviewed by FBI, so Pompeo, by May 3rd, must have known what she knew but did not present as "significant" and "enormous" evidence, why? In the video, she clearly sold out her advisors in Hong Kong University, her husband and to some degree her family in Qingdao, why? One article indicates her husband is Indian, if true, why would he say things she claimed and be worried about being killed? Some articles said she was sponsored by Guo Wengui and Bannon, no wonder!  In the May research article, her name appeared as the second author; given her age and tenure, it does not look likely she would get professorship, and most likely not in good terms with her advisors. HKU just sent a public statement that she was never involved in any research on human to human transmission from December to January period as she claimed. I am sure we may hear from her two advisors she called out by names, maybe even her husband or family members. I have a feeling this may be much ado about nothing. She could be a FLG member or simply naive scientist working too long in a lab?

July 12: in the wedding photo provided by herself but most faces were blurred, it appears only 3 of her young colleagues plus the groom's 4 elder relatives at the wedding, her parents or relatives were no where to be seen. One article mentioned she has been married 6 years and one of her earliest co-authored HKU article was in 2012, which means she had been in HK as a postdoc for at least 8 years, way too long. Hope her husband and colleagues speak up.
July 20: no staying power, news lasted only a few days, no more coverage on her for more than a week!
July 26: Pompeo did not mention either her name or her evidence in his so-called anti-China landmark Nixon Library speech.
Mid Sept: with 2 unknown Chinese names, she published a fake scientific article in a website paid by Miles Kwok and managed by Steve Bannon, never peer reviewed, claiming the virus was made in the labs, appeared on Fox and some obscure web news sites, but never got into any reputable news outlet, video or otherwise. Her accounts in Tweeter and Facebook were blocked from spreading falsehood. Will Kwok still pay her going forward? 
Early Oct: Yan tried to gather sympathy by claiming her mother was arrested 4 times! Not sure how that could be done, maybe called in 4 times for questioning or not but arrests 4 times in a few months? Anyway she is clearly part of Trump campaign strategy but so far little effect. Curious what happens to her after Nov. 
Nov 20 The New York Times ran a detailed story "How Steve Bannon and a Chinese Billionaire Created a Right-Wing Coronavirus Media Sensation" exposing how Li-Meng Yan became a fraud.
18 August 2021: in July already broke off with Miles Guo, calling Snake or CCP agent to each other. On 21st, she claimed he broke into her apartment. 
Who is Lawrence Sellin, who seems to know a lot inside Yan? Now we know her husband is Ranawaka Arachchige Prasad Mahendra Perera as she and Sellin claim that person is in the US to kill her. 

