
Simon Cheng Mystery 鄭文傑疑點

2月13日:最近網上偶遇《大紀元》大幅專訪鄭通關,可惜缺乏實際細節。與法輪功走得這麼近不奇怪,其女友是否骨幹一員呢?文中提到「8月8日晚上10點40分左右,我在(派出所)一路等結果」,而且自稱之前過關被攔截並急於刪除手機內容,怎麼可能在晚10:42分鐘還回覆女友哪?另外指國安國保十來人在他面前竊竊私語,開始好像不知如何應對其身份,這與其自稱政治預謀拘捕互相矛盾,也顯得大陸國家級別國安國保很不專業。之前不才從沒聽過國保一詞,特上網查,法輪功對此似乎情有獨鍾,其它少有提及,難怪。多少是實,多少是後期添油加醋? 鄭通關自己都未必清楚。鄭又透漏來英之前,在台灣數月,做了什麼?並指於老母通話2小時後即網上發布於家人斷絕關係,全因老母責怪其頻爆媒體要注意女友安全? 難以理解。
9月3日:電話英領事館詢問鄭文傑何時會聲明回覆公眾關心?Called the British Consulate to ask when Simon Cheng will give a public statement about his arrest?
「釋放 Simon Cheng」網頁已消失,曾義正嚴辭的張秀賢和鐘姓等話鄭會向公眾交代的所謂朋友在哪裡?

北上尋歡友人互問新語:『上「高鐵」未?』『「通關」否?』「為我祈禱」。New greetings between pleasure-seeking northbound HK compatriots: “Getting on HST?” “Passing through?” “Pray for me.”

Cheng needs to answer the following questions: what kind of high-speed train was he on? What exactly was he passing through? What did he ask his girlfriend to pray for? 鄭需要回答:他上了什麼樣的「高鐵」?他正在「通」什麼樣的「關」?要女友為他祈禱什麼?

August 24: reported that Simon Cheng is back home on time (exactly 15 days). Wait and see what he has to say to the public, or not? On Aug 21 his family claimed their lawyer(s) could not find him. As it turns out, he never took the high speed train, which he (his girlfriend) claimed. He was taken in custody and released by Lo Wu local police station! He lied to his girlfriend and his family lawyer went to the wrong places for inquiry. On 8 Aug Cheng most likely joined the “Slush 2019” conference plus music in Pingshan New Area 9:30am-10pm. At 10:39am, his colleague asked to listen to the “Healthcare Panel”, but he did not reply until 2:09pm, sounding evasive and did not look like he joined his colleague in the end (Hong Kong Police confirmed he checked through Lo Wu Customs at noon on 8 Aug; looks like Cheng lied to his colleague too in order to cover up him being late). At 10:35pm his girlfriend Annie Li asked in Chinese “where are you? Let me know for peace of mind.” Cheng replied at 10:42pm, “Yes. Passing through. Pray for me.” The last high-speed train from Pingshan to Hong Kong was 7:23pm and lasts about 1 hour. How much did Annie Li know and how much Cheng was lying/hiding from her? Only they themselves know. According to Lo Wu Police Statement, Cheng should have been formally detained in the early morning of 9 Aug., which means when he replied to his girlfriend at 10:42pm, he was most likely still with the prostitute; apparently he was in a different kind of “high-speed train” and was “passing through” a special kind of “channel”; at the same time he asked his girlfriend to pray for him for “safe passage”. How ironic? “High-speed train”, “Passing through” and “Pray for me” might take on a completely different meaning from now on!

Simon Cheng, according to his girlfriend Annie Li, texted her around 10pm that he was on a high-speed train from Shenzhen and about to enter Hong Kong before he disappeared. It is very strange he ended the text with “pray for me”; did he foresee what was to become of him or was he trying to hide something? I checked online the high speed rail schedule, apparently the last train from Shenzhen was around 8pm and it only took about 20 minutes for the whole trip. Either I got the schedule wrong, his girlfriend got it wrong (he took the regular train instead), or he lied. If the prostitution charge is true, he should have been arrested around that time (10pm), and the text was apparently an attempt to cover up the truth of his arrest from his girlfriend. Unfortunately his girlfriend over reacted, got the UK consulate, his family, the media and some public all worked up. Now the whole world knew he was arrested for prostitution!
Also interesting is that his family and his girlfriend insisted that he was on a business trip, but his employer the UK Consulate kept mum on this.
8月24日:家人聲稱鄭文傑已經按時(15天)返屋企,會否需要向公眾交代呢?看其家人21日六條聲明,委派國內律師於深市、寶安、南山各處拘留所以及廣州、深圳兩派出所和廣鐵公安局查詢無下落。方向錯誤:鄭蟲從未乘高鐵,去、回都是乘港鐵,並於羅湖出入,被羅湖派出所拘留、釋放;明顯是普通的嫖妓行政拘留,不會去拘留所。據查,鄭應該當日參加「國際創投大會Slush深圳2019大會暨音樂會」(在坪山新區,時間早9:30-晚10點),具體時間根據個人興趣隨意,他同事10:39微信聯絡聽「醫療衛生Panel」,聯繫不上,直到2:09才回話,但好像有所隱瞞,沒有加入同事(香港海關證實鄭於8日午時羅湖口岸離境;看來,因為遲到對同事也撒了謊)。女友晚10:35短信問「你在哪裡?報個平安呀!」鄭10:42回「Yes. Passing through. Pray for me.」(是。正在通關。為我祈禱)坪山至香港高鐵晚7:23開,車程約一小時;鄭有多少在隱瞞女友,只有他自己知道。根據羅湖公安聲明,鄭應該是9日凌晨被正式拘留;也就是說,當他8日晚10:42暗昧回信女友時,正與妓女翻雲覆雨。很明顯,鄭上了完全不同的「高鐵」,並在「通過」非一般的通道;同時要求女友,為其祈禱順利「通關」。多麼的諷刺?看來,「高鐵」、「通關」和「祈禱」從此會有完全不同的含意。



