
Papaya Baby Plant 木瓜幼苗

On May 23, planted 4 papaya seeds, yesterday found two sprouts. Took a photo today, note the leaves have similar but less delicate pattern as pomegranate.
June 18 6月18
On Dec 30, nice round top big plant

First flower April 21, 2021 第一花,三月初十。

Unfortunately found it fall off next morning. 翌日晨發現花不幸落地。
March 6, 2022: turns out they were male flowers, which come & die quickly. Finally a female follower, which much bigger & took months to form, started opening 2 days ago. 壬寅年二月初四:原來常開常落的是雄花。雌花數月形成,大好多,約2天前開始打開。

