
Chrysalis Fest 蝶蛹的世界

2nd Out Nov 13 am
This time there are three caterpillars on the lemon tree at the same time! One already turned into a chrysalis a couple of days ago. Last night the other two caterpillars were busy scanning the tree branches; for hours they went about and explored from a branch to the next, without stopping or eating. At some junctions, they extended their head into the air, appearing to be sniffing out something. When there was a particular branch they liked, they went away and back two or three times until they finally settled down on it in the middle of the dark night. This morning, both turned into the pre-pupa (chrysalis) stage by bending and tight-clinching the tree branch from their head and tail, with a thin silk thread clearly visible around their neck attaching to the tree. Next day or two it will turn 180 degrees with the head facing outward to become a chrysalis, hanging from the tree by the silk. Within another day or two, the chrysalis adopts a outer green coat, covering up the legs and under belly of its former self the carterpillar. In about a week, the outer coat will darken resembling the old and wrinkled tree bark before the butterfly breaks out. In this colder season, it takes longer for the butterfly to form and come out. The first one that came out was in the morning on 9 Nov, which took about 12 days; in addition, the outer shell did not change much colour even the day before, remaining greenish throughout the dozen days.
Transition from caterpillar to chrysalis
Green chrysalis
Nov 9 Butterfly Came Out!


香港仔墳場 Aberdeen Cemetery (2)

清誥授光祿大夫省三陳公:庚午年孟春榖旦(福建漳浦陳氏宅兆)。網上有:陳望曾(1853~1929, 字省三,號魯村,祖籍福建漳浦,後遷臺南。同治九年(1870)舉於鄉,同治十三年(1874)登進士,授內閣中書,先後署廣東雷州、韶州府知府。與施士洁、蕭逢源、汪春源、許南英並稱「臺南五進士」。乙未(1895)割臺,攜眷內渡。與板橋林家有姻親關係,林爾嘉《林菽莊先生詩稿》中有多首與陳望曾唱和之作,民國三年五月菽莊鐘社成立後,陳望曾亦參與其詩會活動,與施士洁、蕭逢源、汪春源、許南英五人,曾同住鼓浪嶼,一時有「五鳳齊飛入洞天」之譽 。光緒二十五年(1899)任廣東府知府。繼而奉委提調廣東海防兼善後總局。三十四年(1908)任廣東勸業道。嗣調署按察使、提學使,賞頭品頂戴。臺籍進士在中國內地仕宦者,以望曾最為顯達。積資數十萬。國民革命之際,秘助民黨。後隱居香港太平山,居上砲臺道1號適廬。
清封一品大夫陳公雲繡:生咸豐三年癸丑九月十七日,往民國十九年庚午四月六日,名維?「源隆棧」(1927年: 69 Des Voux Road West);1909/1910己酉年東華三院董事總理。
清誥封正二品夫人傅母李太夫人: 己巳1929年
清誥封淑人馮母黎太淑人墓: 龜座,雙象 、雙傭供奉,黎錦文長女,塟於香港「赤」桂山之陽
清封中憲大夫百祥陳公 (名綽𡖖?),與明星陳百祥同名
清授奉政大夫同知銜熾珊呂公:民國七年 (呂慎思堂)
清授奉政大夫有韜張公(1866-?): 名家振,號心湖,啟德創辦人之一。先祖張九齡後人宋末南遷廣東南雄,再遷香山鐵城石頭村,後分為附城、南屏和南蓢三支,南屏一支成為豪族。其父建詩公(1838-1893: 字以楷,號式軒)為南屏十七世,來港經商,成為香港和澳門富豪,與孫中山密切。同宗張霈霖(1828-1900)乃1857年裕盛辦館裕昇店麵包毒案東主,原為Murrow, Stephenson & Co. (Kwang-lee Hong) 買辦Comprador,1857年3月14日刊憲裕昇店Essing Shop 張亞霖Cheong Allum應是同一人。南屏二張乃其弟仲球和族姪玉濤。
南邑先友之墓:光緒廿年 (應是別處遷移此處)
民國四等嘉禾章 廣東淡水場知事 百全邱公,1938年
李安業堂李公亦梅:名鴻材, 李葆葵弟, 李陞姪, 著名紳商,任華商會主席、東華醫院1921年主席,二等嘉禾章香港太平局員,嗇色園創始人之一,1921年從廣州護送黃大仙至香港,「香海名山」牌坊倡建者之一
李公頌清:李葆葵子,李陞堂孫,BSc(Eng) 1924 HKU, 畢業生議會首任主席,日佔時期任赤柱區役所所長
香在梅(1909-1950): 泰盛紡織廠主持人之一
馬敘朝: 東華三院主席
許讓成(1894-1981): 孔聖堂會長,酒店家
李濟深題「碩士黃百始」墓。 黃公可能係泰國富商,泰國(時稱暹羅)中華總商會1929年新會址開幕委員會有此名。
羅裕積: 灣仔和昌大押等當舖東主,地產商,子九叔羅肇唐
傅翼鵬(1860-1936): 傅秉常長伯父,創元利建築公司,包建大潭水塘
張榮舉: 夫人陳儀貞協恩中學校長。張榮冕葛亮洪師範學院的院長,張榮隸香港名醫,張婉婷下嫁先施董事歐炳光,張婉侶嫁傅蔭釗,張婉笑室內設計師及收藏家(一笑草堂)。
雷家駿: 清末民國藝術教育家,著有《美術及音樂教學法》、《藝術教育學》等
霍芝庭(1877-1939): 比傅老榕更早的賭王
汪玉亭(1909-1971): 《天光報》和《成報》主編
熊希齡(1870-1937): 1992年遷北京
馮紹鏞: 吳漢卿立


「小香港 」 “Little Hong Kong”

1. Victoria: from stone quarries at West Point to Hoong-heong-loo (or East Point Joss-house). Subdistricts:  Sei-ying-poon (from small village Westward to Cowee-wan-Is end of Buildings, Sheong-wan (Police Boat Station to Gibb’s Wharf), Taiping Shan, Choong-wan, Ha-wan (Murray Barracks to Observation Point), Wongneichoong, Soo-koan-poo (Observation Point to Large Rock)
2. Show-ke-wan: from Hoong-heong-loo to the village of Ngo-yun-wan, taking in Wongkok-tsui, Chut-che-moey, Shui-cheang-wan, Showkewan, and Ngo-yun-wan
3. Sai Wan: village of that name
4. Sheak O: village of that name, including Hok-tsui village
5. Ty-tam Took: village of that name
6. Stanley: village of that name, including villages Ty-tam, Ka-sew-wan, Wong-ma-kok,
7. Heong-Kong: village of that name
8. Aberdeen: village of that name, including Aap-le-chow
9. Pok-foo-lum: village of that name.

很明顯是以人群聚集地和村落而劃分出來的。其中的「Heong-kong」是指「香港村」或者香港圍,即今日的黃竹坑的舊圍村一帶。1864年1月底的官立學校的報告中,「Heong-kong」已經改為「Little Hong Kong」,即「小香港」之義,和後來的「香港仔」是有分別的。從1857年到1864年之間,具體何時開始使用「Little Hong Kong」,不得而知。


南丫島古稱「舶獠」Lamma Island “Barbarians in Boats”


Tea Used to Be Major Export 茶葉曾是重要出口物資

Tea used to be a major Chinese export to Europe and Americas, Tea Party and American Independence War started with tea taxes.  In 1843, April alone saw 17 vessels, or 11,270,449 lbs, of teas imported to the UK.  茶葉曾經是出口歐美的重要物品之一,1843年僅4月份一個月出口英國的茶葉就有17船次,共11,270,449英磅。敝人才疏,有些茶葉品種的名稱已經對不上現在的中文。

Bohea 武夷
Congou 功夫                              8,801,242
Caper                                               86,254
Souchong 小種                              213,011
Hangmuey 紅梅?                        148,682
Sorts                                                15,345
Pekoe 白毫                                    148,872
Orange Pekoe 橙黃白毫               162,093
Total Black 紅茶總數                9,569,499 lbs

Twankay 屯溪                            1,076,085
Hyson 熙春                                   311,434
Hyson Skin 熙春皮茶                      1,680
Young Hyson 雨前熙春               105,620
Gunpowder 珠茶                          137,707
Imperial                                          68,424
Total Greens 綠茶總數             1,700,950


Anger is a Consuming Fire 憤怒是自焚之火

The section on “Anger is a Consuming Fire” from the book “Freedom from Anger” by the venerable Alubomulle Sumanasara appears to be very relevant to today’s angry youths in Hong Kong.

Anger has many negative consequences.
...... anger leads to unhappiness. That is easy enough to understand; being angry doesn’t feel good. People are unhappy when they carry anger inside. When you’re free of anger, the opposite is true — your heart feels light and clear. It’s a wonderful feeling; it’s what we know as happiness.
Love is the energy of creation, of building and raising things, while anger is the negative energy of rejection and destructiveness. Where does anger begin? Within your own body, and it begins to destroy the body from the instant it’s born.
If your body were aflame, you would burn whatever you touched. But what would happen even before that? You would burn yourself. In this sense, anger is like fire, which has the power to destroy other things but starts by destroying its original source. You may want to set fire to a pile of trash, but it is the match that is consumed by the fire first. You may not want it to be destroyed, as matches can be useful, but it’s hopeless to think that it will set the trash alight without first catching flame itself.

Freedom from Anger: Ego 避開憤怒的自由:自我

The section on Ego from the book “Freedom from Anger” by the venerable Alubomulle Sumanasara is quite fitting to describing Trump.

Ego -> Ignorance -> Corruption -> Anger
People may hold ideas about themselves such as being a man, or young, or old, or someone’s boss, but none of these roles is really so important. So what if you are the president of a company?
Believing that the self is rigidly defined is the source of all the world’s problems. If people would only let go of these beliefs, the problems would vanish as well. Ego is nothing but an impediment to joy. It is an illusion.
In Buddhism, the most important thing is whether a person is doing the right thing, not whether they happen to be a housewife, a monk, or a CEO. The only question that matters is whether a person’s behaviour is right or wrong. If a young child happens to say the right thing, people should respect that, regardless of the age of the child or social conventions about whether children should speak up. Disregarding a child who speaks rightly is simply ignorant.
When thinking about the problem of anger, ego is the single most important concern. Once an ego has been formed, it tends to accumulate all kinds of garbage around it, making it ever more difficult to clear away. The ego gives rise to ignorance, and ignorance leads to corruption. And once corruption has set in, it can transform to anger when it is threatened.


英文「香港」實為「行港」Hong Kong meant Trade Port

不才前期以英文闡述了英文「香港」(”Hong Kong”) 中「Hong」相對應的中文字實為「行」。在1810年代以前,香港名稱的「香」字所對應的英文翻譯為「Heong」或者「Heung」,後來改為「Hong」,原因不得而知,歷史沒有留下記載。 最為可能的解釋是:前兩者在當時的英國人眼裡比較陌生,又和後者相似,而三者發音對英國人來說,差別不大。另外,英國人在此前的百多年來,已經習慣聽、說和寫「Hong」字;因為在口岸廣州的任何對華貿易一定要經過「公行」(”Cohong”),「官行」(“quahong”),還有至今依然被人們津津樂道的「十三行」。洋人在廣州的貿易機構被稱為「洋行」,而英國人自稱為「Factory」,現在可再翻譯為「工廠」,而當時的原意與「貿易」(“Commerce” 或者“Trade”)更為貼切。英國人有意或者無意,香港最後真的成為一個國際「行港」(”Trade Port”)。





Seeking Answers 需求答案

1. Does a butterfly know that it once was a caterpillar? 蝴蝶知道自己曾是隻毛毛蟲嗎?

2. Why does it have to go through such an elaborate and complex process from butterfly egg to caterpillar, to chrysalis, and finally to butterfly? 蝴蝶為什麼一定要經過蝴蝶蛋到毛蟲、到蛹、再到蝴蝶這麼繁瑣和複雜的過程來傳宗接代呢?

夕陽下大嶼山 Sunset over Lantau

10月4日 九月初六
The name of "Lantau" has nothing to do with it's current Chinese name, it is a translation of "Rugged Head" 「爛頭」several hundred years ago, most likely by the Portugese.


妓院與茶居酒樓 Brothels and Dining Houses

上環大馬路近水坑口的杏花樓(1846-1930年)乃香港酒樓始祖, 由黃燕清祖父黃福祥(俗稱黃九)與同宗兄弟黃錦初創建,港府曾於此宴請李鴻章。杏花樓與後來的宴瓊林、敘馨樓和探花樓被尊為「四大」。其它早期著名酒家有西區的廣州和金陵,石塘咀的陶園和香江樓,中區的大同、金城和金龍,灣仔的英京、悅興和大三元。






Transportation 海外殖民苦力

British rulers, sometimes, instead of hanging or other punishment, chose to transport convicts to other colonies as coolies to serve their prison sentences. On 20 December 1845 a report from Hong Kong Supreme Court:

Poo Apoo: stealing from a dwelling house, 15 years transportation
Kun Asam: larceny, 10 years transportation
Le Aung: stealing/breaking out prison, 15 years transportation
Chan Asan: house breaking/larceny, 15 years transportation
Cheok Aung: obtain money under false pretence, 12 months prison with hard labour
Ha Akoon: embazzel Queen’s Store, discharged
Chow Ayik: embazzel as servant, discharged
Lee Afook/Wong Atuk: robbery with violence, life
John D Ross: cutting with intent, 15 years
Low Fookshing: stabbing/murder, life
Boodeen: stabbing/murder, life
William Sherrot: abuse, acquitted
Thomas Wilson: sodomy. Guilty of assault only, 12 months prison
Loo Atuk: burglary/larceny, 15 years
Leong Atyee: murder, death

In 1880, it was reported that between 1866 and 1877 Police deported Chinese criminals from Hong Kong to Australia.
幾年前, 遇上「領匯」The Link(現改名為「領展」Link REIT)CEO George Hongchoy 王國龍,感覺其英文姓氏不一般,詢問之。原來他的祖先約1870年代移居澳洲,海關誤把名字當成姓氏,從而延續至今。

Aberdeen Pirate Den 香港仔海盜巢穴

During the early colonial years, pirates continued to be active on Hong Kong island, especially preferred attacking merchant ships near the narrow channels of the Green Islands, then retreating to nearby Aberdeen. On 26 March 1845, a report:

From information received by Mr. Fearon from the Chinese authorities at Cowloon, Mr. Lena, acting Harbour Master, went round to Shuckpai-wan (Aberdeen) between Thursday evening and Friday morning, and captured several boats with 18 men. The Cowloon mandarins were aware of their presence on this island, and offered to assist in the capture with two armed boats and a guide. Mr. Lena availed himself to the services thus tendered, and on reaching Aberdeen about daylight in the morning, the whole party were secured while asleep in their boats. They were armed with spears, guns, fire-pots, and other missiles used by them on their piratical expeditions; and on the return of the party, another boat of a suspicious appearance, the crew of which were acquainted with the prisoners, was found moored between Green Island and the Island of Hong Kong, they were also taken into custody.

Some Early Roads Built by Convicts 早期道路由犯人修建

In mid 1843, a circular road around Hong Kong island was proposed, which included Queen’s Road, Pokfulam Road, Island Road, and King’s Road.

On 11 January 1845, there was an interesting article on a road building incident:

A few days ago, a chain gang of convict coolies, were employed on the roads at some distance from the town, with the usual unarmed guard of Indians. The convicts thought the opportunity a favourable one for escape; they attacked the guards with shovels and pick-axes and obliged them to fly. On information being informed, a strong body of police were sent in pursuit of the convicts; but no farther trace could be found than, the irons which they had wrenched off their legs.  It is supposedly that, they crossed the hills to the other side of the Island, where their country-men, no doubt would aid them in escaping to the mainland.


HK Land Price High from Beginning 香港殖民開始地就貴

Foreign Office on 3 January 1843, on behalf of the Earl of Aberdeen: Treaty signed between Pottinger and China’s Plenipotentiary (中國特使) is yet to be made public until the ratification by the Queen of England and Tsing Emperor.
Yet before the treaty was ratified, the Secretary Richard Woosnam declared on 13 April 1843 that Land Officer taking full control of land uses in Hong Kong, and effort being taken to make Hong Kong a self-supporting colony, proposal to construct a road making a complete circuit of the Island, in order to become a healthy/desirable place of residence for British subjects as well as a focus/centre of large commerce.
On 22 July 1843 H. Pottinger proclaimed the ratification of Nankin Treaty signed.
On 22 January 1844, first land auction was conducted with over 100 lots sold, all buyers were British, Parsi Indians, Europeans, or Americans, with Strachan and Jamsetjee purchasing the most.
On 17 February 1844, it is reported: “The necessity of raising a Revenue for the Colony is evident. The policy of making Victoria a free port, is also generally admitted. There appears that no other means by which Revenue can be derived, than the public lands, licences and other trifling resources.”  Ever since such an objective was articulated, land sale has become of major source of Hong Kong Revenue. As such, fewer lots were offered in future land auctions, even though the number of buyers, including Chinese merchants, kept growing. Some of these earlier sold land lots (about 116 total, some sold in 1841) were turned into buildings and/or sold in the secondary market.
On 10 July 1844 it was reported that “Chunam died at Canton last week; he was the first and so far, the only Chinese Merchant, who had purchased property and established a business in the colony. His death is ascribed to a cold caught some months ago, when his new house was yet damp and unfit to sleep in.”
On 9 July 1844 land sales again with only 12 inland lots plus 12 marine lots.
On 24 December 1844, land sale with 16 lots, two Chinese buyers, Chan Wan and Chung Sang.
On 16 June 1845, Parsee firms not remove to HK, 2 English firms abandoned HK in 3 months by confining operations to Canton, several firms established in the past 6 months have no offices in HK. "In face of these undesirable facts, pennywise rulers busy inventing new taxes and imposts. Betel and pawn to be taxed or made a strict monopoly, and yet we are told HK is a free port!! Property is to be assessed, though from the usurious ground rent paid to government, rent is already higher than in any colony we possess."
On 3 September 1845, building fell while being built.
On 6 September 1845, tax on sand stones 要收砂石稅
On 13 December 1845, 44 land lots were sold with Chinese as major buyers.
On 26 August 1848, comparison of Singapore vs HK. Singapore colony 29 years, HK 5; Singapore main revenue exercise duties, HK land rent; Singapore population 35k, HK 1/3.



Scots Good Drinkers 蘇格蘭人愛酒

In 1843 it was reported that annual consumption of alcohols:

England and Wales         11,511,907 gallons with 15,911,725 people
Scotland                           6,078,719 gallons with 2,628,257 people
Ireland                              6,515,781 gallons with 8,205,382 people

1843 Court Case 1843年案件

On 7 January 1843, Ho Auyee, a Barber, was charged by Sergt Kerr of 55 Regiment for selling Shamshoo (三燒)2 bottles/$1. Sentenced 40 strokes plus $10 fine and his house was pulled down.
(Reported 9 March 1843)

J.R. Morrison wrote in "A Chinese Commercial Guide" (1848 reprint), Samshoo means "thrice fired" or distilled.

1843 HK Prices 1843年香港價格

Hong Kong Market Place, per catty (otherwise noted):
Pork                                  11 cents
Beef                                  11
Fowls                                14
Ducks                                11
Geese                                 9
Wild ducks                        13
Teal, each                          14
Hen’s eggs, per dozen       7
Duck’s eggs, per dozen     8
Fish, large fresh                14
Salt fish                             8
Oysters                              6
Lobsters                             6
Shrimps                             7
Frogs                                 7
Oranges                             2
Pomelos                            3
Pears                                 4
Chestnuts                          9
Walnuts                             9
Almonds                           10
Dried Leichees                 15
White table rice                $1 dollar for 45 catty

On 15 January 1845, beef $12cents per catty, mutton 42, pork 13.5, pork fat 10, capons 16, fowls 13, large fresh fish 11, middle 9, lobsters 6, crabs 10, oysters 8, prawns 11, shrimps 9, fruit 3, veg 3, potatoes 5, yams 2, sugar candy 10, fine sugar 9, brown 5, fine rice 3.5, coarse 3, bread 10/lb, milk 25/quart bottle, butter fresh $1/lb.

1842 HK Prices 1842年香港價格

Building Materials:
Bricks                             $4-6 per 1000
Tiles for paving              $30 per 1000
Tiles for roofing/ridge    $14 per 1000
Chunam                          3.5 peculs for $1
Granite square 20x8 inches      $3.5 per 100
Coolies                           7 per diem for $1
Masons                           3 per diem for $1
Carpenters                      3 per diem for $1
Painters                           2 per diem for $1

Cow                                 $10 each
Samshu 三燒.                  2 bottles for 1 rupee
Brown pears                    $3 cents per catty
Yellow pears                    $2 cents per catty
Mangoes                          $2 cents per catty
Lichees                            $2 cents per catty
Water melons                  $1 cents per catty
Turnips                            $1 cents per catty
Carrots                            $4 cents per catty
Tomatoes                        $8 cents per catty
Fresh ginger root            $3 cents per catty
Egg plant                        $2 cents per catty

Chinese Contribution to India 中國對印度的貢獻

On 14 July 1842 an article in “Friends of China and Hong Kong” reported that it introduced Plough, Chung (ground drill) and Fung Kwai (Fanning Mill) to India, which were typical agricultural tools in China.
In addition, the British introduced tea plantation, and brought with them other skilled Chinese technicians to India, such as leather makers. Twenty years ago, I lived in India for several months and found many Chinese descendants still in Calcutta, whose ancestors came with the British in the 1800s. I bought some hand-made leather shoes and bags. The shoes were very comfortable to wear, soft and light.
China played a very important role in improving India’s agriculture and industries, but was rarely written about.

女皇城 Queen’s Town

英國殖民政府最早著重開發東起銅鑼灣、西至西營盤、並以現在中環為中心的 Queen’s Town(女皇城),1842年3月31日刊憲改為 Victoria(域多利),為英帝國在中國第一塊殖民地的首都。英殖民者自稱:更改名稱的目的是向華人實質宣示主權,打倒迷信、自傲和偏見的偉大勝利,改變無知之世界。Name of our Town: capital of first British settlement in China “Queen’s Town” to Victoria. Material ovation over the Chinese; glorious victory over superstition, pride and prejudice; move the world of ignorance.

另註: Queen在香港被翻譯為「皇后」,是錯誤的。

1842年香港華人人口 1842 Native HK Population

1842年3月24日發佈:Native Population
Queen’s Town               Shops            Souls
Boat population                                   2100
Labours                                               1366
Hawkers                                              600
Carpenters                      17                 566
No employments                                 500
Bricklayers                                          500
Prostitutes                       23                439
Chandlers                       67                 402
Masons                            1                  380
Opium sellers                 24                 131
Lime burners                                       120
Compradors                    8                   100
In the employments of Europeans       200
Total                                                     8181
Chekchu                                               3000
Wong-neichung                                    200
Heongkong                                           300
Shek pei wan                                        200
Soo koon poo                                       80
In the different hamlets                        400
Grand total                                           12361


1841年香港人口 HK Population in 1841

《中國叢報》(Chinese Repository) 1841年香港人口普查:其中的「香港」很有可能是當時的石排灣,其後期文章有指出當時的簡單普查很有可能遺漏了「香港村」,既黃竹坑舊圍村
Chek-Chu 赤柱                       large town                                        2000
Heongkong 香港                     large fishing village                           200
Wongneichung 黃泥涌           agricultural village                              300
Kungtam 公岩                         stone quarry, poor village                  200
Shek-lap 石凹                          stone quarry                                      150
Soo-ke-wan 掃箕灣                 stone quarry, large village               1200
Tai-shek-ha 大石下                  stone quarry, hamlet                           20
Kwan-tai-loo 群大路               fishing village                                       50
Soo-koon-poo 掃竿浦              hamlet                                                10
Hung-heung-loo 紅香爐          hamlet                                                 50
Sai-wan 柴灣                           hamlet                                                 30
Tai long 大浪                           fishing hamlet                                      5
Too-the-wan 土地灣                stone quarry, hamlet                          60
Tai-tam                                     hamlet                                                20
Soo-koo wan索鼓灣                hamlet                                                30
Shek-tong-chuy 石塘咀          stone quarry, hamlet                           25
Chun-hum 春坎                      deserted fishing hamlet                        0
Tsuen-suy-wan 淺水灣           deserted fishing hamlet                        0
Sum-suy-wan 深水灣             deserted fishing hamlet                        0
Shek-pae 石牌                         deserted fishing hamlet                        0
In the bazaar                                                                                       800
In the boats                                                                                       2000
Labourers from Kowlung                                                                   300

煲顛茶 Pottinger

第一任正式港督砵甸乍 (Henry Pottinger) 是一個有爭議的人物,與當時香港商界的關係極差,在1844年8月24日報導新港督到任的文章同時指出商界已經對其失去了信心(”Davis landed at HK to replace H. Pottinger. Cloud off Pottinger: office to mercantile community, lost their confidence”)。同年9月7日又有文章抱怨他的獨裁(”6th Of Sir Henry Pottinger’s Immortal Ordinances”)。砵甸乍早期職務為大英國欽差大臣總管事務,負責與清廷政府的談判和所有關於中國的事務。早期雜誌《Friends of China and Hong Kong Gazette》在1842年的英、中雙語告示顯示砵甸乍當時的中文翻譯名稱為「煲顛茶」,而不是砵甸乍!明顯反映對其人所為的不滿,此傑作很有可能出於馬儒翰之手。馬儒翰的英文名稱是 John Robert Morrison,繼承其父親衣缽,年輕氣盛,善於玩弄小手段,欺騙清廷霸取香港整島而非儘一港口,很有可能也是他的傑作。馬儒翰通曉漢語和廣東話,是英軍官員早期與華事務的重要華文翻譯和負責香港早期華人事務的重要殖民官員,但英年早逝,銅鑼灣的摩理臣地名與其姓氏有關。


USD/Euro Trade

9/7 buy euro @1.0946 fixing on 9/13, not hit/got interest
9/16 rolled over @1.0972 fixing on 9/23, not hit/got interest
9/23/rolled over @1.0963 fixing on 9/27, converted into €
9/27 sell € @1.0973 fixing on 10/4, converted back to $, 0.24% gain in less than 1 month
10/4 buy @1.0898 fixing on 10/11



2021年4月10日 廣東順德「容桂街道」介紹指其名字「桂」源於「桂洲鎮」:南宋末年,南雄珠磯巷人逃難至扶寧岡定居,因岡上有三株較大的桂花樹,故改稱為桂花洲,後來簡稱為「桂洲」,而其處陳姓據傳來自浙江寧波。「香港」和「香洲」及其源頭「玉(五)桂山」名稱之間的關聯和演變,很可能同出一轍。