
Freedom from Anger: Ego 避開憤怒的自由:自我

The section on Ego from the book “Freedom from Anger” by the venerable Alubomulle Sumanasara is quite fitting to describing Trump.

Ego -> Ignorance -> Corruption -> Anger
People may hold ideas about themselves such as being a man, or young, or old, or someone’s boss, but none of these roles is really so important. So what if you are the president of a company?
Believing that the self is rigidly defined is the source of all the world’s problems. If people would only let go of these beliefs, the problems would vanish as well. Ego is nothing but an impediment to joy. It is an illusion.
In Buddhism, the most important thing is whether a person is doing the right thing, not whether they happen to be a housewife, a monk, or a CEO. The only question that matters is whether a person’s behaviour is right or wrong. If a young child happens to say the right thing, people should respect that, regardless of the age of the child or social conventions about whether children should speak up. Disregarding a child who speaks rightly is simply ignorant.
When thinking about the problem of anger, ego is the single most important concern. Once an ego has been formed, it tends to accumulate all kinds of garbage around it, making it ever more difficult to clear away. The ego gives rise to ignorance, and ignorance leads to corruption. And once corruption has set in, it can transform to anger when it is threatened.

