
Covid-19 Originated from the U.S?

Trump virus trump Trump politics. April 22 Rick Bright fought back his demotion from BARDA.

The recent actions and reactions led by Trump, and more so by Pompeo, desperately trying to pin down the origin of the virus to Wuhan or China, claiming that China tried to spread misinformation all because of a low level foreign ministry spokeperson's tweet, smell overkill.
Curiosity search led me to two articles in early March by Larry Romanoff, "China's coronavirus: a shocking update: did the virus originate in the US?" and "Covid-19: further evidence that the virus originated in the US." posted on globalresearch.ca.  Noted Romanoff had a Russian sounding name and currently resided in China, so his opinion may favor China. But the articles themselves contain indisputable scientific and timeline details, which Pompeo and Trump should be able to order his team to investigate and answer.
It was the Japanese TV Asahi first questioned the virus' origin and claimed it was from the US on February 23, followed by Taiwan TV on February 28. Wuhan and most of China cases only had strain H1 and virus family group C - a second generation coronavirus, while US had all five family groups of 4 generations, Taiwan had two family groups and one of which could only have come from US or Australia. A Japanese couple with no China travel history had Covid-19 after coming back from Hawaii. Many of the early confirmed cases in Taiwan were traced back to unknown pneumonia before Covid-19 was known and only discovered when old samples were analyzed again.
In September 2019 over 200 vaping related death in the US could not be explained and have not been investigated against Coronavirus. Studies ruled out it was due to e-cigarette itself.
US Army Bioweapon lab Fort Detrick have had series security breaches:
In 2001, anthrax attacks by senior bioweapon researcher Bruce Ivins
In 2009, storing pathogens not listed on inventory
In 2018, storm flooded its biowaste water treatment plant, followed by worst flu season in the US.
In August 2019, was ordered to stop research as contaminated waste could have leaked out deadliest viruses and pathogens
CDC investigation report: "non-human primates" infected with a "select agent" plus at least seven other major safety/security violations that could endanger the public health.

Just watched the video by TruthLeaks George Webb, a long one. He is from DC area, with him at the table were 3 dudes and 4 gals, and in the background two other walkabout and sitting down. They all white mature adults, one grandpa with 15 grandkids, all appear to be intelligent, some worked in IT or FBI agencies, none appeared to have anything to do with China. They call themselves "truth hounds", but I would call "truth geeks", intelligent, fact based logical people who like to seek truths through data and links. They actually followed Asahi TV report and did their own digging, believe patient zero is Maatje Benassi, other related names mentioned or written on whiteboard are Maatt Benassi and Benny Benassi. Both Maatje and Maatt are drivers for NATO bioweapon materials and linked to Fort Detrick.

March 24: "Did the US 'bug' Wuhan and who are the Wuhan Five?" madhousenews.com by Renee Parsons, another person who has nothing to do with China. With diplomatic immunity, US athletes (Wuhan 5) could get through Chinese customs without being fully checked and it could be nano sized micro weapon hard to detect, Wuhan was targeted also because of 5G.

Pompeo, who publicly boasted lying, cheating, stealing, sabotaging and blackmailing is CIA credo, his behaviors (and CIA) from the very beginning (actually even before the outbreak in December) until now are extremely questionable. What are his true objectives? What is he trying to hide? He seems to have known and prepared even before the virus was discovered. US admin conducted pandemic drills in September just before the outbreak, CIA disinformation of Wuhan biolab came out immediately after Wuhan outbreak, US was first to ban China travel whileas Europe and the rest of the world appear to care less as most believed it would be a local Wuhan or most China epidemic, once the biolab disinformation was debunked, Pompeo and team have been trying desperately to make the world believe and label Wuhan and China as the origin of coronavirus....... Why?

April 5 article "Coronavirus: Pentagon 'can't recall' if US had intelligence about Covid-19 in 2019" by Alex Woodward from The Independent: "Secretary Esper told ABC's This Week that he doesn't "recall" if the department had received a November assessment from the National Center for Medical Intelligence, a spying arm of the Defense Intelligence Agency, which reportedly briefed the National Security Council in December to determine the outbreak's impact to military readiness." In November? Before Wuhan had its first known patient and before anyone else in the world except CIA even knew if there was going to be an outbreak?
April 17: a large-scale community test of 3,300 people in Santa Clara County found that 2.5 to 4.2% of those tested were positive for antibodies -- a number suggesting a far higher past infection rate than the official count. Based on the initial data, researchers estimate that the range of people who may have had the virus to be between 48,000 and 81,000 in the county of 2 million -- as opposed to the approximately 1,000 in the county's official tally at the time the samples were taken.  “Our findings suggest that there is somewhere between 50- and 80-fold more infections in our county than what’s known by the number of cases than are reported by our department of public health," Dr. Eran Bendavid, the associate professor of medicine at Stanford University who led the study, said in an interview with ABC News' Diane Sawyer.
“We would like to make it clear that there is to this day no factual evidence corroborating the information recently circulating in the United States press that establishes a link between the origins of COVID-19 and the work of the P4 laboratory of Wuhan, China,” an official at President Emmanuel Macron’s office said.
"Pentagon chief pours cold water on theory that coronavirus was released from a Wuhan lab, despite Trump admin investigation", guess Pompeo did not coach Esper enough to lie......
April 19 Sample tests in Chelsea outside Boston conducted by Mass Gen Hospital indicates 32% infection rate. In a statement Saturday, a spokeswoman for the FDA, Stephanie Caccomo, said, “CDC did not manufacture its test consistent with its own protocol.”
April 21: Two coronavirus-infected people died in Santa Clara County on Feb. 6 and Feb. 17, the medical examiner revealed Tuesday, making them first documented COVID-19 fatalities in the United States, which means the virus has been in Santa Clara much longer, before January. They had no known travel history or contacts with known Covid19 patients, had been thought to be flu deaths as they did not fit the CDC criteria and never got tested until the autopsies. Now the experts believe they were community transmission. How earlier and how many before these?
At Marion Correctional Institution prison in Ohio, 73% of its inmate population has tested positive for the coronavirus. State officials announced Sunday that 1,828 inmates had become infected by the virus, in addition to 109 members of the corrections staff. The remaining 667 inmates have been quarantined to curb the spread of infection inside the prison walls, the Columbus Dispatch reported. How long does it take to have a 73% infection? Diamond Pricess was far less.
April 23: Random sample testing show 14% in New York had Covid19, with NYC 21%, Long Island 16.7% and rest of state 3.6%. Also report the infection rate on carrier USS Roosevelt was about 20%, similar to NYC but within much shorter time - 1 vs 3+ months!
April 24 research published by a multidisciplinary team led by Sylvie van der Werf, Vincent Enouf and Etienne Simon-Loriere at Institut Pasteur found the community outbreaks in France did not come from China or Italy.
Latest and expanded study by Geneticist Peter Forster from U of Cambridge found three generational strains of Covid19 A, B and C. Wuhan patients were all B at the beginning, whileas in the US almost all were oldest type A. C was found in Singapore, and was transmitted from there to Italy and Europe. Spain was also mostly A. They concluded the pandemic could not have originated from Wuhan and started in September already!
April 30: Trump's own intelligence community concluded that the coronavirus was not 'man-made or genetically modified'. Why so sure? Not able to frame Wuhan lab anymore? Or afraid the truth be known it was made in US bioweapon lab? Remember cheating, lying and stealing is their motto.
May 1: 2 out of 319 HK residents expatriated from Pakistan confirmed but asymptomatic, which means situation in Pakistan is not that bad. Pakistan is close to China but not so with U.S. If Pakistan can be under control, Trump has no one else but himself to blame for U.S out of control!
May 3: Yves Cohen, head of intensive care at the Avicenne hospital in Paris, caused a stir by telling BFM TV that tests had been repeated on samples from 24 patients admitted to the hospital for pneumonia in December and January, and that one from December 27 was positive. The patient, a 53-year-old man, had not travelled to China.  “He was sick for 15 days and infected his two children, but not his wife, who works in a supermarket,” he said. “He was amazed. He didn’t understand how he had been infected. We put the puzzle together and he had not made any trips. The only contact that he had was with his wife.” Cohen initially questioned whether the wife had been exposed to fish products from China, but later confirmed that she had only been exposed to fish produced in France. This means the virus was in Paris at least on December 5 or earlier.
May 4: another report says "A retrospective analysis of samples taken from 14 intensive care patients with influenza-like symptoms at the Avicenne and Jean-Verdier hospitals in Paris found one positive COVID-19 case -- a 42-year-old French resident who had not visited China. He was hospitalised on December 27." A bit confusing on who really the patient is? May 5 came forward the "patient zero" Amirouche Hammar, a fishmonger from Algeria who has asthma and diabetes, caught the virus as he has no direct links to China. One of his children had fallen ill with an unusual pneumonia shortly before him.
May 5: a major claim few days ago, but not picked up by the major media outlets. Mayor Michael Melham of Belleville, N.J., claims that he contracted the coronavirus in November, two months before the first confirmed U.S. case in Washington State. He recounted becoming ill while in Atlantic City attending the New Jersey League of Municipalities Conference, which was from Nov 17 to 19. He returned home on Nov 21, which means he was in Atlantic City for at least 5 days, and contracted the virus there. "The antibody in my blood is older as opposed to the more recent one showing you just finished fighting it off," Melham said. Melham said he remembers driving back up the Garden State Parkway on Thursday, Nov. 21 and feeling awful, but writing it off as a mix of exhaustion and dehydration from the three-day event. Melham thought a good night's rest would be all he needed. But Friday and Saturday of that week were no better. By Sunday night, Melham was awake all night, battling chills, hallucinations and a skyrocketing temperature. "I felt as if I was an addict going through withdrawal," he recalled. "I didn't know what was happening to me. I never felt that I could be so sick." Melham's doctor assumed that it was a case of the flu and told him that he'd recover with a few days of rest. But despite eventually getting better, the experience continued to stick out in his mind. And when COVID-19 began to break out in large numbers across New Jersey, it raised a serious red flag.
COVID-19 infected as many as 171 people in Florida as long as two months before officials announced it had come to the state, a Palm Beach Post analysis of state records shows. It includes a 4-year-old Duval County girl started feeling symptoms or had her first positive test on Jan. 1, and the state did not officially record her case until April 8. Among the 171 patients were 105 women and 66 men. They ranged in age from 4 to 91. Most of the early patients hadn’t traveled: 103 reported no travel while just 52 said they had. None reported traveling to China.
May 15: Trump's brain can not hold complex thoughts, as such often unknowingly divulge the truth. Trump said, "Scientists at the NIH began developing the first vaccine candidate on January 11th."
May 23: Beth Cameron who oversaw epidemic preparedness for NSC under Obama said the absence of public guidance from CDC during the COVID-19 pandemic leaves her “frankly scared.” She also believes and that eliminating her position weakened the American response to the coronavirus when it emerged 18 months later.
Sept 10: LA study indicates the virus was spreading locally before Xmas, and Trump knew how bad it could be and even airborne before 7 Feb! Report says starting Dec 22, it unknowingly treated several dozens of Covid19 patients, plus similar reports in other part of the country, all indicate the virus has been in the US before December, whileas only Wuhan in China had it by end of Dec. 
Sept 18: "60 Minutes" interview confirmed Trump knew by Jan 28 the latest it would be like the Spanish Flu or worse. Redfield knew it was bad on Jan 1, if he did not report up he should be prosecuted.
Nov 1: more evidences indicate the virus might be related to seefood in the earliest cases in each place. Myotis vivesi, the fish-eating bat, which lives around Gulf of California needs to be studied.
Dec 1: US CDC own researchers confirmed coronavirus antibodies in bood donors before Dec 13, 2019. The CDC-led study published in December 2020 that analyzed 7,000 samples from American Red Cross blood donations suggested the virus infected some Americans as early as the middle of December 2019.
Dec 24: 19,089,719 confirmed 336,812 died. Trump Xmas gift to America.

April 29, 2021: Mexican Social Security Institute study of random blood samples taken between February and December of last year finds 1/3 Mexicans exposed to the coronavirus by end 2020. Antibodies found in 33.5% of samples from Mexican blood banks and medical laboratory tests unrelated to COVID-19. The levels varied according to regions; the highest exposure rate was in the northwest, from Baja California to Chihuahua, at 40.7%. The lowest was in western states, at 26.6%. In general, areas along the U.S. border had higher rates.
May 6: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington School of Medicine found actual coronavirus death count in the US by May is 905,289 vs official report 574,043.
June 15: A new analysis of blood samples from 24,079 volunteers taken early last year is the latest and largest study to suggest that the new coronavirus popped up in at least 5 states (Illinois, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) in the U.S. in December 2019 — weeks before cases were first recognized by health officials. 7 of 9 cases found were black or latino without travel histories or exposures to known cases. 
June 24: report a "mysterious illness" plaguing "hundreds" of birds across the southern and midwestern U.S., leaving them with "crusty eyes, swollen faces, and the inability to fly," reports of such afflictions began in the spring, and scientists still have no clue.
Aug 22: reporters found 6 death certificates during January 5 to February 1, 2020 from California, Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Oklahoma and Wisconsin have been quietly amended to list COVID-19 as a contributing factor, which means the virus was in the US December 2019 or earlier. 
Aug 26:  The medical certifier ruled COVID-19 as the cause on a 9 Jan 2020 death certificate in Leavenworth County, Kansas Department of Health and Environment spokesman Matt Lara confirmed.
Study by Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health published in "Nature" reveals that by December 2020, 103 million Americans (31%) infected; Miami 42%, New York City 44%, Chicago 48%, Los Angeles 52%, parts of the Midwest like Minnesota/Wisconsin/Iowa >60%.
Sept 4: Kansas Lovell "Cookie" Brown died on Jan 9, 2020. Her original death certificate cited "chronic obstructive lung disease."  Peaches Foster had wondered if her mother had died from COVID, was only confirmed this week when reading "COVID-19 pneumonia" on the revised death certificate, still uclear where or how Brown contracted the virus.
Sept 23: study indicates Covid19 started from Sept 2019 in many states and 26 April 2019 for Rhode Island!

