
"Xi Little Upset with Trump"

Trump called Xi, "I am little upset with you."
Xi, "why?"
Trump, "you should have told me earlier."
Xi, "how early?"
Trump, "September."
Xi, "I did not know then.
Trump, "really? I must have confused you with Pompeo."
Xi, "I am a little upset with you too."
Trump, "why?"
Xi, "you should have told me earlier."
Trump, "when?"
Xi, "before September."
Trump, "but why?"
Xi, "you should have told me what Fort Detrick leaked out."
Trump, "sorry but they did not tell me."
Xi, "then how about the vaping deaths?"
Trump, "they only told me to ask Baron to stop vaping for a while."
Xi, "well, at least you should have told me what your military athletes are carrying in them?"
Trump, "Pompeo told me it was a secret."

On another call, Trump said Melania seemed very happy with the coronavirus. Asked why, she said, "social distancing" is what she prefers and has been practicing ever since she was pregnant.

Note: above is a made-up satire in case anyone is wondering.
There is speculation online patient zero is a Matt Benassi who worked at Fort Detrick, and patient one is a Maatje Benassi who represented the U.S military and competed in World Military Sports Competition in Wuhan end of October.

After note:
June 25 US now has at least over 2.5m confirmed cases with over 126k dead, telling Trump earlier for one year would not have made any difference.
Sept 10: Bob Woodward book "Rage" Trump knew how severe the virus was before 7 Feb!
Sept 18: "60 Minutes" interview with Woodward confirmed Trump knew by Jan 28 the latest it would be like the Spanish Flu or worse. Redfield knew it was bad on Jan 1, if he did not report up he should be prosecuted.
Sept 14, 2021: "Newly revealed emails add to 'growing body of evidence' that Trump was aware of coronavirus threat early on"

