
Unknown Is Real Danger

A known danger is not a real threat if one can deal with it.  An unknown danger is the real threat when one looks the other way. CDC website used to list number of cases related to Wuhan, I remember it was like only 3 or 5, unfortunately it no longer shows on the website and I did not keep a record. Anyway, the point is Wuhan as the known danger was dealt with and it did not end up spreading to the U.S and other regions, it is the same with other regions outside Wuhan inside China mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau, which are closest to Wuhan and had the most potential exposure. Korea is a rare case as the hotspot spread started with a religious cult group.
The unknown danger was over-looked, which was within the U.S itself, it is the youths, healthcare centers, clinics, hospitals, bars and clubs, the homeless, the churches, the airplanes, the cruises, and the borders with Canada and Mexico ...... Wuhan danger was unknown for about a month before it was known and dealt with. U.S looked the other way. The unknown had been there for at least four months. Even though the unknown is known now, still little has been done to stop it from spreading. That is why U.S is where it is now. Or maybe Trump and G7 leaders had known from the beginning what it was, but decided "herd immunity" was the answer?

April 8 report research by Adriana Heguy, a geneticist at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, found out New York Covid-19 came from Europe, a scientific experimental proof of my above argument!
April 9: Taiwan's six deaths so far all had nothing to do with Wuhan or China. An earlier report that a planeload of 361 evacuated from Wuhan all tested negative.
April 10: Once WHO model Singapore is fast becoming a hotspot due to "unknown" dangers from migrant workers and people from other countries other than China. Another proof of the above argument.
April 21: Singapore is out of control, adding 1,111 cases in one single day with total 10,141 confirmed and 11 dead. BTW the outbreak in Europe reportedly came from Singapore too
Oct 2: what has been happening in the US with Trump shows actively down-playing a real danger is more dangerous than the danger itself. 
Dec 17: recent reports confirmed Trump's pointed man, science adviser Paul Alexander, and Health and Human Services assistant secretary for public affairs Michael Caputo, pushed for herd immunity since, at least, early July, allowing so-called non-high risk groups to expose themselves to the virus, thus forcing kindergartens and schools to keep open! Alexander also spent months attacking government scientists and pushing to shape official statements to be more favorable to Trump, knew Covid-19 disproportionately affected minority populations but suppressed that information, delayed the famed Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports and watered down the guidance. This is truly a cover-up and crime against humanity! 

