
香港島原古名遐想(補充:狗非禮鴨)Dog Humping Duck

不才於本博客5月底以「香港島原古名遐想 Snoopy Calling Papa」題目探討香港島原有的古名,其中之一為「泛春洲」,意指其形狀似一隻正在發春的大公狗。
In a previous article in May, my blog about possible ancient Chinese names for Hong Kong Island, figuratively speaking implied the island looking more like a horny dog, who is in such a heat that he was humping the “duck” next to him. The shape of Ap Lei Chau, the little island next to Hong Hong Island, is like a duck without a head, before the western side was reclaimed in 1960s and turned into a housing complex today; not only clearly visible are body, legs and tail, she also just laid eggs (before these tiny islands were reclaimed too). The “duck” was so embarrassed by this absurd act, she buried her head deep into the sea. The little dog (Snoopy Rock on top of Ling Kok Mountain, Lamma Island) felt the same way, kept barking; unfortunately it was a bit too far, so the situation persists for millions of years until today.


香港仔中心不值 $1

1857年5月16日,港英政府憲報公佈,香港仔(當時稱石排灣)將有兩塊灣泊用途的海傍地拍賣出售,每塊地11.5英畝,北南各600、東西各840英尺,每年交地租100英鎊,地價拍賣時另定。6月20日憲報又稱,兩塊地已分別各$1賣給 D. Lapraik 和 J. Lamont;說明除此兩位老兄,無其他人競拍,或者政府早前已暗通兩位,而拍賣只是過場罷了。兩位何方神聖?後來幾年陸續發生的事情,令人深思。
德忌利士 · 拉伯勒是「德忌利士洋行」的東主,購買了東面的一號海傍地盤。德忌利士洋行,是「Douglas Lapraik & Co」的中文名稱,當時擁有輪船,以航運和與大清的貿易為主業。德忌利士原本是英國錶匠,歐洲有人今日還收藏其產並簽名的錶。約翰·林蒙 (有文章譯為拉蒙、拉蒙特)是蘇格蘭造船木匠出身,當時在「東角」(現銅鑼灣東角道、東角中心處)有船排廠,主要為大洋行修船和歐美商人造船,則購買了西面的二號海傍地。據稱,林蒙是香港洋船第一人,於1843年組裝出第一艘本地產、有80噸位的縱帆船;1853年又為德忌利士建造了一艘137噸位稱為女皇號的汽輪。所以,兩位應該互相熟悉,會合作,不會相互競爭拍賣;如若無其他人在場,以最低價$1購得是完全有可能的。
另一廂的德忌利士老兄極其精明老練,顯然只以低成本沿海岸填海修壩建碼頭,估計從東面的香港仔舊大街到現在的香港仔大道,加上現在郵局所在地盤突出的平台;另外,他應該還賣了部分填海分割出來的新地盤和房屋,大賺一筆。其實,德忌利士只佔用了所購地盤不到三分之一的面積,並很有可能將沒有填的海域退還給政府,從而降低每年上繳的地租稅;他很有可能用同樣的手段處理從林蒙手上轉讓過來的船塢地盤,雖然有兩座旱塢,也只佔原購得地盤的一半(但不同的是,部分未利用地盤屬山地)。德忌利士逝世於1869年3月24日,之後不久於1870憲報發佈的遺產處理表中顯示其留後世 $350,000,在當時是極其巨大的財富。政府紀錄表示,1876年德忌利士洋行是全港繳稅第一家,共繳$11,108.92,比排在第二位的渣甸洋行(Jardine Matheson,$8,453.4)高出好多,其家族是當時名符其實的香港第一富族。



Aberdeen Centre Worth Less Than $1

On 16 May 1857, Hong Kong Government Gazette announced that there would be an auction of two Aberdeen lots for docks, each measuring N600 S600 E840 W840 feet, covering 11.5 acres, for an annual rent of 100 pounds, and a one-time premium (i.e. land price) to be determined at auction. On 20 June, the Gazette announced that it was sold to D. Lapraik and J. Lamont, respectively, each for a premium of $1, which means either no one else wanted to bid for the two lots, or the government colluded with the two bidders. Who are the two bidders? What unfolded in the following few years appear to be very interesting.
Douglas Lapraik, who bought A.M.L. 1, was a British watchmaker-cum-trader, whose company Douglas Lapraik & Co then owned ships and focused on trading with China. John Lamont, who bought A.M.L. 2, was a Scottish ship carpenter and already had a ship repair/building business with a slipway at East Point (now Causeway Bay). Lamont allegedly constructed the first foreign ship in Hong Kong, a 80 ton schooner named Celestel in 1843. The two gentlemen were close; supposedly Lamont built a 137 ton steamship called the Queen for Lapraik in 1853. So it is perfectly understandable these two would collaborate and would not have out bidden each other on the two marine lots. Lamont dug and built with granite a dry dock on the east side of his lot (middle of Aberdeen Bay). As soon as the dock, commonly known as Lamont’s Dock, was completed and put into use in 1859, Lamont ran into financial difficulties.  In 1860, Government gazetted that “rent for Aberdeen Lot Marine No. 2 over due”, which means Lamont was in such dire state that he could not cough up even 100 pounds. The difficulty was compounded as demand for bigger ships meant Lamont’s Dock alone was not enough to survive; so he turned to Lapraik for finance, started building a much bigger dry dock, west of and next to the existing Lamont’s Dock. Lamont eventually sold the entire business to Lapraik (who formed Hongkong & Whampoa Co with others) in 1865, left for home and died in Scotland the next year, before the new dock, called Hope Dock, was finished in 1867.
On the other hand Lapraik, a shrewd businessman, apparently only built a wharf along the coastline, most likely, from the Old Aberdeen Main Street to now a section of the Aberdeen Main Road, with a protruding platform at the block where the current post office is; in addition, he sold some of the reclaimed land (and likely also houses), making a good profit in the process. As it appears, Lapraik only used up less than a third of the area he bought, probably returned the rest back to the government as to pay less annual rent going forward (later government auction records affirmed this); he probably did the same with the other lot after he acquired it from Lamont, which only used close to one half even with two docks. Lapraik died 24 March 1869, a table of probates in 1870 Government Gazette shows that his net worth was $350,000, a staggering amount during the time in Hong Kong.  In 1876, D. Lapraik & Co. was the top tax payer in Hong Kong, at $11,108.92, way above number two Jardine Matheson at $8,453.4, making his family the richest in Hong Kong. 
Later Li Ka-shing acquired Hutchinson & Whampoa Co., which owned the two docks, about only half of the original A.M.L. 2, and tuned them into today’s huge housing complex called Aberdeen Centre, which was worth less than $1 in 1857!

1. Abstract from a 10 April 1861 advertisement by John Lamont on Lamont’s Dock: working for nearly two years (finished mid 1859 after April 10); 335 feet long, 78 broad and 22 deep; with engineering workshops, planing/punching/shearing machines, a large foundry, saw-mills with both vertical and circular saws, powerful steam hammer.
2. Abstract from September 1867 “Nautical magazine and journal of the Royal Naval Reserve” on Hope Dock: 15 June 1867 opened; 410 feet long, 99 broad, 34.5 deep.
3. John Lamont died on 25 August 1866 (aged 62) in the Douglas Hotel, Aberdeen, Scotland. Notice the serendipitous connections between Lamont, Douglas Lapraik, Aberdeen of Hong Kong and where he died!


Clear Sky Over Ap Lei Chau 鴨脷洲的晴朗天空

Today is the Great Heat day, one of the 24 Chinese seasonal dates, which is supposedly one of the hottest days during the year, as the sun heaps the maximum heat to the South. Picture taken around 4:30 pm, unusually clear sky over Ap Lei Chau, with beautiful white cotton clouds and light blue sky,   although very hot - observatory recorded 33 degrees but feel more like 40 under the sun. About 6pm, took a second picture, with the “Buddha” hill in the centre; to the west end of the hill, between the buildings, there appears a section of a remote mountain, which is actually Ling Kok Shan on Lamma Island. In the middle of LKS in the picture, there is a pointed object, which is the amazing Snoopy Rock.
Next Day, Again Snoopy!


香港仔紅、黑兩橋 Red & Black Docks in Aberdeen

很少有人知道,除了「紅橋」,以前香港仔海灣還有「黑橋」。原來的海岸線在現在的魚類批發市場的停車場處,「利群大廈」原來是牛奶公司的藏冰廠,其西邊的對出南向海面有一個由香港仔華人永遠墳場修建的碼頭,是方便昔日埋葬和拜山弔祭先人的上落點,因而被稱為「黑橋」。以前的馬路沒有現在這麼寬闊,其彎角處原在「海峰華軒」與魚類批發市場之間偏南的路段 - 即現在的「香港仔海傍道」南面小半部分;此路拐角甚彎,被改路、拓寬之前經常有車禍,是有名的「夏巴彎」(其東北角的「南灣御園」原來是「夏巴修車廠」),為「黑橋」又增添的另一層含義。當時,墳場的正門入口牌樓在「夏巴彎」旁,確切位置應是在「海峰華軒」正南面「香港仔海傍道」正中間;原來的牌坊和拜山的路比現在的要窄,大概是一半多少少。舊時的陸路不方便,「黑橋」特登建在墳場的入口處,是拜山孝男孝女的首選路徑。


「香港仔廣場」書法 Aberdeen Square Calligraphy


鴨脷洲白沙灣 White Sand Beach at Aberdeen Island


“Observation on the South Coast of China and Island of Hainan” 1806 by A. Dalrymple:
“Harbour of He-ong-kong ....... Directions for going in by the Southern entrance: coming from Eastward make the East End of of the Grand Lema, called by the Chinese Tom-Cone, from which the Harbour bears NNW by compass. - Pass Poo-Toy, and island to the Northward of Tom-Cone ...... There is a white beach at the head of the Harbour, which is visible several miles from it. On the West side of this Entrance are some rocks above water, near the Head of the Harbour; and the water there shortens to 5 and 6 fathoms, but immediately beyond it, deepens to 7 and 8, where the Lady Washington ⚓️.”



再談「香港仔」名稱 Again on the Name of Aberdeen

有文章曾指「香港仔」對應的是英文名稱 “Little Hong Kong”,但敝人翻閱研究舊文、舊史、舊圖發現,其實 “Little Hong Kong”對應的中文名字一直是「香港村」,即現在黃竹坑的新、舊圍;之所以有 “Little Hong Kong”,很有可能是因為管事的英國人不再寫 “Heung Kong”。
可以確切的講,「香港仔」所對應的英文地名是 “Aberdeen”,範圍包括田灣、鴨脷洲、原「石排灣」和部分黃竹坑。在歷年的人口普查檔案中,早期經常標明 “Aberdeen” 包括石排灣和鴨脷洲(田灣被省略,原因不得而知),不見中文「香港仔」的名稱。
不才推測,中文「香港仔」名稱的正式使用最可能是在日本戰敗、香港光復之後。實際上,英國人一直想以英文和英國文化殖民和取代香港的中文和中華文化,所以百年來一直有意和無意地忽視、淡化和改變中文及其原有的內涵。日軍在佔領香港之前,對香港的歷史、社會、軍事、商貿等等做過詳細的調研(最近幾年公開和發佈的較多),因而對香港的各個方面瞭如指掌。日本通中文,佔領香港後,以前的英文地名通通改為中文, “Aberdeen” 改稱為「元香港」,即最早的香港,或者香港之開始的意思;說明,日本人對香港歷史名稱的起源甚是清楚。香港光復之後,很多日化的名稱都改回原文或者對稱的中文,而與「元香港」較對稱的中文名稱「香港仔」被選中。但有何高人、何時開始建議叫「鴨巴甸」為「香港仔」?希望歷史學者或者其他明人能夠指點迷津。

香港仔原被墳場環繞 Aberdeen Used to be Surrounded by Cemeteries


和合石墳場西安墓園1891年香港仔先友義墓:「由香港仔遷來 香港仔各先友墓 光緒辛卯十七年七月吉日立」,不知為何?之前有什麼災難?還是政府逼遷私人墓地?
1891年港府憲報:“Chinese Cemetery in Aberdeen: situated on the promontory 1/2 mile to the South East of the village of Aberdeen, and bordered on the south side by the Aberdeen Channel, and on the North, East and West by government ground, measuring on the North 1,200 feet, East 300 feet, West 350 feet.”
1914年港府憲報:“Ap Lichau Cemetery or burial ground for Chinese granted (4 acres) opening.”
1915年港府憲報:“Tender for New Cemetery, Aberdeen (A.I.L. No. 78).”
1922年港府憲報:“Order for removal of all graves in portions of of Sham Wan Cemetery.”
1923年港府憲報:“Remove all graves in portions of Sham Wan Cemetery.”
1937年港府憲報:“Remove all graves in Shum Wan Cemetery before 1924.”
1939年港府憲報:“Remove all graves in Shum Wan Cemetery between 1924 and 1925.”

孤獨的湖北街25號 Lonely 25 Wu Pak St



香港仔古廟、教堂顯示的文化 Old Aberdeen Temples & Church










六月十六「趕魚」夜 Full Moon Night Fishing



香港仔中心樓閣(補充) Aberdeen Centre (addition)






人生十坎的林鄭月娥 HK CE Facing Life’s Obstacles



2021年1月8日襲擊軟禁內陸記者付國豪的3個暴徒被重判4年3月到5年半!11月25日2人上訴被駁回;賴雲龍上訴申請稱「是受美國間諜Mark Simon指使」。

11月22日:理工副校長等被佔領爛渣擋路,問「你是誰?」竟然不反問「你是理工學生嗎」和「請你即刻離開理工」,反而乖乖報上名姓,並像馴服的奴隸般聽令打掃廚房!廚房裡穢臭不堪,完完全全是吃完了不懂抹嘴、拉完了不知道擦屁股的無恥無賴之流,毫無紀律、自律可言,還高談什麼「光復香港 時代革命」?在家裡被父母寵着,在學校被師長慣着,在社會被社工政黨政客溺着,在街上被黃絲捧着,大眾順着,政府怕着;這樣的下一代,香港的前途在哪裡?




香港仔東境古橋墩 Historical Bridge Site in Aberdeen East

皇家工程師歌連臣中尉1845年測繪的地圖《The Ordnance Map of Hong Kong Surveyed by Lieut. Collinson.R.E., 1845》顯示,香港仔東境瀑布上游處當時有一條橋。
1882年香港憲報第381號公告,「維修石排灣並香港村路第13號橋」(1882 Government Gazette Notice No. 381: Repair No. 13 bridge Aberdeen and Little Hong Kong Road)。
1897年香港旅遊指南 (1897 Hong Kong Tourist’s Guide map by R.C. Hurley) 明顯指明,石排灣路和香港村路分別是部分現在的香港仔大道和黃竹坑道,從而進一步證明了古橋的位置。


香港鼠年多故事 Major Events during Mouse Years in HK

2020年 庚子:1月4日大嶼山沙螺灣漁船翻沉;5日珠海香洲海域3.5級地震;8日伊朗報復美刺殺以導彈襲擊美駐伊拉克基地,烏克蘭飛機伊朗墜毀176死;澳大利亞森林大火從去年10月到今年1月中未斷;菲律賓Taal火山12日(農曆十八)開始爆發,威力驚人;19日晚新疆6.4級地震多人傷;20日武漢肺炎擴散;21日港股暴跌;25日凌晨(當地24日晚)土耳其6.8級地震數十人死千人傷。
2月10日:本土傳染肺炎爆發,19人打邊爐11人得彩,青衣長康邨康美樓3同13樓連糞渠戶同中招;第14宗80歲鑽石公主號郵輪住葵涌邨綠葵樓和第12宗75歲康美樓13樓以及第27宗24歲同29宗90歲外婆打邊爐住駱克道鴻福大廈都疑似超級傳播者; 21日新疆5.1級地震無傷亡;23日伊朗土耳其邊界5.7級地震十數死百余傷;3月開始歐美新肺炎Covid-19大爆發,不可收拾,反而香港和大陸疫情受控,變得相對平靜。
11月27日伊朗核武之父Mohsen Fakhrizadeh被暗殺

2019年7月15日: 近來衝突不斷,沒完沒了,難以捉摸;來年又是鼠年,是禍是福?若事態續延,定為後者。7月31日: 近兩月,遊行暴力衝突不斷升級,破壞交通和社會秩序的違法行徑層出不窮,昨日大欖隧道兩巴車禍近80人傷;9月17日,暴力繼續升級,未有消減跡象,今天港鐵出軌,天災人禍不斷;9月24日晚巴基斯坦北5.8級地震,約30人死700傷;9月26日印尼東部6.5級地震,約23人死逾百人傷;9月30日報導智利6.8級地震;10月1日印度北部洪雨,逾113人死;10月1日早宜蘭南方澳大橋斷塌,蔡英文帶頭撒謊掩蓋劣質工程;10月12日夜玉林5.2級地震無傷亡;10月13日風暴海貝思日本近百人死數百人傷;10月16日晚菲律賓南6.4級地震數人死幾十人傷;10月28日凌晨甘肅夏河5.7級地震無傷亡;10月29日早菲律賓南6.6級地震多人死傷;10月31日巴基斯坦列車火災近百人死;11月8日伊朗5.9級地震多人死300人傷;11月11日(香港12日)法國東南罕有5.4級地震多人傷;11月25日廣西靖西5.2級地震一人死;11月26日凌晨阿爾巴尼亞6.4級地震數十死近千傷;12月15日菲律賓棉蘭老島6.8級地震數人死;12月18日早四川內江5.2級地震數人傷,香港粉嶺九巴撞樹當場6死39傷(前董事許仕仁同日出獄))


1551/2年 壬子:海盜阿亞率夷人洗劫香港附近海域;1550-60年代海盜林道乾猖獗
1564年 甲子:禮部主事郭斐1562-66著《粵大記》
1623/4年 甲子:擊退入侵佛堂門的荷蘭軍隊
1660/1年 庚子:遷海、禁海令
1683/4年 甲子:再次復界,獲准並獎勵回遷;廣東、福建、江西等地客家人遷入
1792年 壬子:馬嘎爾尼使團赴京 (Macartney Embassy to Beijing); 美國華盛頓號船長坎卓克灣泊香港仔深灣,修復因颱風而折斷的桅杆,並命名「香港島」(American captain Kendrick anchored Lady Washington at Sham Wan, Aberdeen for mast repair and named the island Hong Kong)
1816年 丙子:阿美士德使團至少四艘船隊,灣泊香港仔鴨脷洲護理島三晚,補備淡水及等待來自北京的情報 (Amherst Embassy to China with at least four ships anchored at Careening Island, Ap Lei Chau, Aberdeen for three nights for watering and waiting for intelligence from Beijing)
1840/1年 庚子:鴉片戰爭,英軍正式佔領香港島
1852年 壬子:太平天國起事,以後因此大量內陸商戶/漁家移居香港仔,造就了香港仔鴨脷洲最繁華時期的1880/90年代
1864年 甲子:第一批香港硬幣發行
1888年 戊子:香港電燈公司運作;山頂纜車開行
1900年 庚子:八國聯軍攻入北京
1912年 壬子:港督遇刺;日本人偽造廣東偽幣,造成香港市面紙幣暴跌
1924年 甲子:次年大罷工以及「沙基慘案」
1936年 丙子:8月17日十號颱風,21死179傷
1948年 戊子:中國內戰尾聲;次年新中國建立
1960年 庚子:5月6日新界暴雨,災民6000餘人;6月9日十號風球,45死127傷11人失蹤
1972年 壬子:6月18日雨災,兩處大型山泥傾瀉,138死71傷
1984年 甲子:中英聯合聲明,定香港前途
1996年 丙子:越南船民騷亂;油麻地嘉利大廈重大火災,41死80傷;次年香港正式回歸
2008年 戊子:大嶼山龍鼓水道海難;西貢南邊圍嚴重車禍;千年一遇大暴雨;金融海嘯,股市崩盤


Napoleon’s “Sleeping Lion” Argument 拿破崙的「睡獅」論

Whether Napoleon actually referred China to being a “sleeping lion”, “sleeping dragon” or “sleeping giant” in early 1800s is not clear, nor is it of any importance; but his articulate argument as such was well documented, showcasing his incredible intellect as well as foresight, which is, remarkable, even more relevant today.

In the book “Voyages and Travels: Narrative of a Voyage to Java, China, and the Great Loo-choa Island” published in 1840 by Basil Hall, who was the captain for H.M. Brig Lyra, a guard ship for the Embassy of Lord Amherst to China in 1816/17, it has the following:
“11 August 1817 anchored at St. Helena” (the island where Napoleon Bonaparte was kept captive from 1815 until his death in 1821).
“Buonaparte has always supposedly to take a particular interest in Eastern affairs.”
(Napoleon said) “If I were an Englishman, I should esteem the man who advised a war with China to be the greatest enemy to my country in existence. You would in the end be beaten, and perhaps a revolution in India will follow.”
“26 August 1817: the following observations upon our embassy to China were delivered by Napoleon:
“It appears, that your ambassador Lord Macartney, was obliged in 1793, to submit to the kou-tou, without doing which he would not have been received. Your ministers, who must have foreseen this, and in fact, who did foresee difficulty in etiquette, had in sending out Lord Amherst, authorized him to comply with it; and it appears, that his private opinion was, that he ought to perform it, and that in refusing to do so, he suffered himself to be guided by bad advisors.”
“It is an error, but still one which is generally believed that an ambassador represents the sovereign. An Ambassador, however, does not represent his sovereign, as in fact none of the stipulations of affairs which he signs are valid until after a ratification; and as his rank in etiquette, there never has been an example of sovereign having treated them as equals, never having returned their visits; never having given way for them, nor treated them as they would have treated a sovereign. The false idea that ambassadors represented the sovereign is a tradition of the feodal customs. According to which, at the rendering of homage, when a great vassal was prevented from tendering it in person, he caused himself to be represented by an Ambassador. In this case the ambassador really received the honours due to his master. The character of an ambassador is of the some nature as of a minister plenipotentiary or an envoy, with this difference, that an ambassador is in the first degree, a minister, the second, an envoy, the third; and in negotiations, these three have the same rights; whatever they stipulate or sign must be submitted for the ratification of their prince; but in etiquette there is a great difference, the ambassador in precedency out to be treated like the first lord in the country, like princes or dukes; and ministers of states. The minister plenipotentiary like nobles of the second rank in precedency at court, and envoys like those of the third.”
“The English and Russian Ambassadors had a right to the same distinctions, and ought to have followed the same etiquette as was practised by the princes and chief mandarins. Now, these last performed the kou-tou, and therefore the ambassadors ought to have done the same; and the emperor had the right to require it. It is said that a French captain named Rock who had been in China during Louis XIV, had refused to perform the kou-tou. But it must be considered that this officer is not an ambassador, nor a minister plenipotentiary, nor an envoy, and he was at liberty to act as he pleased, equally as the Chinese government was at liberty to consider him as being of more or less importance. But a man charged with a diplomatic mission ought to have performed the kou-tou; and could not refuse it without being wanting in respect to the emperor, in the same manner as this last could not refuse to receive him, without showing disrespect to his character of ambassador.”
“Lord Macartney, and it appears, Lord Amherst thought of divers expedients, which, had been tried by the Russian Minister. They proposed that a mandarin of equal rank to the ambassador should perform the kou-tou before the picture of the King of England, or that by public declaration that Chinese monarch should promise, that if he sent an ambassador to England, he should perform the kou-tou. The Chinese rejected these proposals, and with good reason. If a Chinese ambassador were received in London, he would have no right to perform the kou-tou; but he ought to follow the same etiquette in the presence of King of England as observed by the princes, ministers of state, and knights of the garter, when they are admitted before the throne, which would be the English kou-tou. These proposals were therefore unreasonable, as the principle we have advanced naturally evinces. A third suggestion was made which was not to perform the kou-tou, to place one knee upon the ground close to the throne, in presenting the credentials. It is certainly an extraordinary presumption for you to attempt to regulate the etiquette of the Palace of Peking by that of St James’; the simple principle which has been laid down, that in negotiations as well as in etiquette, the ambassador does not represent the sovereign, and has only a right to experience the same treatment as the highest grandee of the place, clears up the whole of question, and removes every difficulty.”
“Only one reasonable objection presents itself to the mind, to wit, that the kou-tou is a religious act, that such religious act has something idolatrous in it, and is consequently contrary to the principles of Christianity. The mandarins perfectly comprehended the force of this objection, and repelled the idea, by declaring in an official manner that kou-tou was not a religious act, but simply a law of etiquette, which ought to have removed every scruple. Russia and England should instruct their ambassadors to submit to the kou-tou, upon the sole condition that the Chinese ambassadors should submit in London and Petersburg to such forms of etiquette as are practised by the princes and grandees.”
“Your embassy cost you some hundred thousand pounds, which have been thrown away, and in place of being the means of approximation, will be a foundation for separation and of ill blood between the Chinese and you, and all this by ridiculously misunderstanding. In paying respect to the customs of a country, you make those of your own more sacred; and every homage which is rendered to a great foreign sovereign in the forms which are used in his own country is becoming an honourable. Besides had not your ministers an example of it in what has always taken place with the Porte, which has constantly obliged all ambassadors to submit to the etiquette in use there? The ambassador is not admitted to the feet of the sublime Sultan, unless he is clothed in a cafian, and is obliged to perform such ceremonies as the civilisation of the Porte, and its greater or lesser degree of power, have prescribed and changed; but which still preserve traces of their original character. Is there any great difference between prostrating one’s self, in order to perform the kou-tou, and kissing the dust at the feet of a sultan? You say that you may awe them by means of maritime armament, and thus force the mandarins to submit to the European etiquette. This idea is madness. You would be very badly advised indeed, if you were to call to arms of a nation of 200 million of inhabitants, and to compel them in their own defence to build ships against yours. Every sensible man in your country therefore can consider the refusal to perform kou-tou no otherwise than as unjustifiable, and unfortunate in its consequences.””

In the 11 May 1843 issue of “Friends of China and Hong Kong Gazette” there was an extract on Napoleon’s opinion of a war with China from the memoir “Voice from St. Helena” published in 1822 by Barry Edward O’Meara, then personal physician to the exiled Napoléon:
“”If, said Napoléon (alluding to Lord Amherst’s embassy to China) I had sent an ambassador to China, I should have ordered him to make himself acquainted with the ceremonies performed before the Emperor by the first mandarins, and if required, to do the same himself. Now perhaps, you will lose the friendship of the Chinese nation, and great commercial advantage through this piece of nonsense.” 
I said, adds O’Meara, that we could easily compel the Chinese to grant good terms by means of a few ships of war, - that, for example, we could deprive them altogether of salt by a few cruisers properly stationed, Napoleon replied, it would be the worst thing you have done for a number of years to go to war with an immense empire like China, and possessing so many resources, you would, doubtless, at first succeed, take what vessels they have, and destroy their trade and cities; but you would soon teach them their own strength. They would be compelled to adopt measures to defend themselves against you. They would consider, and say, we must make ourselves equal to this nation. Why should we suffer a people so far away to do as they please with us? We must build ships, we must put guns in them, we must render ourselves equal to them. They would, continued, the Emperor, “get artificers and ship-builders from France and America, and even London, they would build a fleet, and in the course of time defeat you.””



1816年北上朝拜嘉慶皇帝的英國阿美士德使團船隊路經香港仔並灣泊鴨脷洲護理島(現洪聖古廟處)數天,一方面等待北京的情報,另一方面補備淡水。隨行的雙桅橫帆護衛船賀爾船長 (Basil Hall) 在其回憶錄《遊記》(“Voyages and Travels: Narrative of a Voyage to Java, China and the Great Loo-Choo Island”) 中清晰描述了當晚所目睹的一場獨特的捕魚場景。據推算,使團應該是7月10日星期三,即嘉慶十一年丙子六月十六日晚到達香港仔,正值大潮時期。當使團的其他成員已經進入夢鄉之際,護衛船賀爾船長和其海兵正忙於往返北面香港仔瀑布(現香港仔工業學校旁)補給淡水:




從早期英國人的描述和本人收藏的一幅《1846年石排灣南面東望》繪畫 (“South side of Chuck-pye-wan Bay looking East, 1846”) 以及洪聖古廟內古鐘的規格,可以推斷此廟的規模在1840年代以前和現在變化不大,說明當時順德陳村漁民船隊之大和相當之富有。

Aberdeen Used to be a Natural Fish Farm

On 9 February 1816, Embassy of Lord Amherst to China (阿美士德使團) on board of H.M.S Alceste set sail from England and arrived in China 6 months later in August. It was a failed mission as Emperor Jia Qing never granted an audience before the Amherst Embassy left China in January the next year. After spending tax payers some hundred thousand pounds, the Embassy had little to show to the public, except a flurry of memoirs and books. The most well known book then was by Surgeon to the Embassy Clarke Abel’s “Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China, and a Voyage to and from that Country in the years 1816 and 1817”, which was published in 1818/9. Abel was a member of the Geological Society, chief medical officer and naturalist to the Embassy. Unfortunately he was sick most of the time during the trip and he was more interested in rocks, plants and animals than people or customs. As such, his description of the Hong Kong part was sketchy and partially inaccurate. 
Another book “Voyages and Travels: Narrative of a Voyage to Java, China, and the Great Loo-Choo Island” by Captain Basil Hall received little attention when it was published much later in 1840. In the late 1830s, British public’s earlier fascination with China was replaced with commercial conflicts and the upcoming opium war. Hall was the captain for H.M. Brig Lyra, which was a guard ship that accompanied and protected Alceste and its Embassy staff. In the book, there is a vivid description of the Aberdeen Harbour (then was called “Hong Kong”):
- Amherst Embassy sailed 9 February 1816 Capt Murray Maxwell Alceste;
- 7 July reached coast of China;
- 8 July communicated with chief of the Factory, already waiting for us on board of Discovery, belong to Marine Bombay under Capt Daniel Ross;
- In a few days Alceste and General Hewitt joined us the rendezvous amongst the Ladrone Islands;

It was indispensably necessary, however, before steering to the northward into seas so little known, to complete our stock of water; and we made the sail accordingly for the Island of Hong Kong, one of the great cluster called the Ladrones. Here we found a noble cascade; and the night being perfectly calm, in consequence of anchorage being land-locked on every side by lofty islands, we filled our water caskets easily, and towed them on board in rafts of ten or twenty at a time; an expeditious method but practical only when the distance happens to be small and sea unruffled. It was almost dark when we anchored but the moon nearly full, rose shortly afterwards above the hills. The islands in this quarter lay so closely to each other, even in day time, it was difficult to discover any outlet.
Soon after we had taken up our station near the waterfall, but before this curious basin was lighted by the moon, and when most perfect silence prevailed over the whole scene, a fleet of several hundreds of Chinese fishing boats suddenly advanced, in large groups of 40 or 50 each, from behind the islands. They were rowed about with great celerity from place to place, and in each boat 2/3 men stood in the bow, with flaming torches in the hands, which they waved backwards and forwards, while others of the crew were employed in beating, in the most furious manner, several large gongs, suspended to the masts. To give full force and finish to this extraordinary serenade, a chorus of yells and shouts was set up from all the boatmen at the full stretch of their voices - an uproar which awakened the echoes on all the surrounding hills, and rendering the whole scene so truly diabolical, that the sailers, astonished and delighted at this sudden irruption, insisted upon it that a legion of Chinese devils must surely have been let loose to frighten away the Ambassador!  But this tumultuous and amusing uproar was evidently intended to drive the fish from the centre of the harbour into nets placed across the narrow channels between the surrounding islands.  It was just high water when boats first broke upon the stillness of the scene and in about half an hour, when the ebb-tide began to run gently to the eastward, our noisy friends allowed themselves to be gradually drifted out; greatly to the relief of those contented voyagers amongst us who preferred a sound sleep. 
The weather, which at first had been favourable, changed next day, and during the 11th/12th July our operations were seriously interrupted by constant heavy rain and violent squalls of wind. Even had the watering completed, the wind, which was from east-north-east, must have prevented our sailing. 
On 13th, we set sail for North China.
January 1817 quit China.