
Aberdeen “Big Rock” Photo 香港仔「石排」舊照

“Shek Pai” the big rock before 1916. 約1916前年的「石排」。
The cemetery was tendered for construction in 1915 and the land/coast lots along the now Tung Sing Road were auctioned in 1918, indicating the picture was taken most likely before 1916. 香港仔華人墳場1915年開始招標,現在東勝道兩邊的內地和沿海地段1918年開始拍賣和填海,所以此舊照應該是1916年前拍攝。
在大約1889/90年發行的海事地圖 (“Hongkong Surveyed by Captain Sir Edward Belcher in H.M.S Sulphur 1841 with Corrections and Additions to 1878-83”) 中,「石排」被清晰描繪出,並位於船塢的東南角,即現在的「海王神廟」之地。

