
Transformation 蛻變

Oct 8: a couple of days ago, the caterpillar ate almost all of leaves (about 80%) on the small tree, worried and thought of moving it to the big tree, but decided to wait and see if it could manage it naturally, as the top of the small tree touches a branch of the big tree. The next day, found it already on a major trunk of the big tree, what a clever caterpillar! It got so big, about 20% bigger than the ones in previous seasons. Since moving to the big tree, the caterpillar became less active. Last night, saw it moved downward and perched between two branches. This morning, it disappeared, nowhere to be found on the big tree. Searched many times, two hours later found it hanging upside down in chrysalis form on a little branch at the bottom of the second small tree, which, the caterpillar never got on before, has plenty leaves for good hiding and camouflage. What an intelligent caterpillar!
Oct 4, it got much bigger and fatter, but still very good looking, the black band around the neck is visible when it stretches its head to nibble the leaf.
2 Oct 2019: the caterpillar returns about twice a year. A couple of weeks ago, found three eggs on the baby orange tree, they turned into baby caterpillars quickly. A couple of days later, only one left, carefully transported to the big lemon tree where there are plenty of leaves for it to nimble on. It doubled in size in a couple of days. Two days ago, when it was about 1/3 fully grown, it suddenly disappeared, but left some skin on the leave. Afraid it was eaten by a bird or some other insect. This morning, found it clinging on the edge of a glass flower bowl, carefully transferred it back to a small but leafy lemon tree with plenty fresh young leaves. While transferring, it got angry by protruding two large reddish fang-like antennae pretending to be a dangerous snake I guess. The antennae quickly disappeared once it settled on the leaf and started to nibble on it right away. In no time it finished half of the leaf before it got tired and rested on the remaining half. It must have fallen off to the ground and been desperately hungry for a couple of days! When it stretched, there appeared a dark ring band near the head, very beautiful!

1. Found on my porch, unfortunately it chose a tiny tree. Hopefully the stick will help it find the big tree.
2. It is on the big tree the next day!
3. A chrysalis emerged on the 3rd day.
4. It camouflaged the next day!
5. Two weeks later, a butterfly!
1. Ate all the leaves
2. Safe cross to big tree
3. Chrysalis!
4. Changed to mimic the tree!
5. Transformation complete

